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                                       Song :Never Be The Same | Camila Cabello

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Song :Never Be The Same | Camila Cabello


Morgan Vales is the bain of my fucking existence.

Nico's gruff voice drifts off into a muffled ringing in my ears, and I feel the sharp crescent edges of my nails dig into the palms of my hands angrily.

"Yeah I don't know.. he's sorta crazy-" The sound of Nico's voice is replaced by blood pumping my ears, and I have to force myself to calm myself down.

How could one individual be so god damn horrible?

I rip my gaze off the exit, turning back to Nico. "Sorry- when did you say you saw him last?" He opens and closes his mouth while looking for an answer.

"Uh, it was right after the food got served." He explains, nodding toward the door. "After I ate I went out for a smoke, saw his car pulling out." That fucking dick.

If you haven't gathered by now, Morgan stranded me.

Oh, and also, I take back what I said about him not being the 'worst'. Morgan Vales was the absolute worst it could get.

I was content with not having him around, so being the stupid girl I am, I didn't bat an eye at the fact that he'd never shown back up as food was being served.

Because I was happy.

I also didn't bother looking back at the exit, seeing as when I did, a rage consumed me just by the look of him. But then, I realized I wasn't going to be able to eat two entrees by myself.

So I very reluctantly decided to find the brute, after I ate, just to be stopped by Nico.

I sigh and finally lift my chin from my palm, slipping from my seat with a small groan. Do I even need to find him?

I felt bad wasting the whole other plate of food, and it was also pretty expensive. Not that I'd be paying anyway~

"Oh- Alex." My steps that were slightly dragging along the marble ground with petulance, stop as a large build steps in front of me. Nico smiles at me, and I return it with a smaller one.

"Hey." I breath out, running a hand through my now messy hair.

Nico tips his head to the side as he looks down at my disheveled frame. "Rough night?" I give a look that explains everything, and he chuckles softly. "I guess that's what you get with him, huh?" He rubs his jaw.

I shrug. "My expectations of Morgan are forever lower than the average person." He nods in understanding. "Just know that if me and him have any sort of interaction with each other, it wasn't a pleasant one." All true.

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