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,, Lord Megatron there's a fallen capsule near our location" Viecon said while typing something. ,, Anything else you can find about it" He asked curious. ,,It had a decepticon in it and autobots didn't locate it" Viecon added. ,, Excellent, Starscream, Soundwave you are going with me" Megatron said while going through the groundbrige. They arrived at the desert, it was night and capsule was bearly visible from sand. Megatron got it out but was confused about the lock, it wasn't some old  protection lock, it was designed to never be opened. ,,I never saw this type of Lock before" He said while looking at it. ,, But I did." Starscream said ,,It was an old mechanism that we used in our labs in Vos to lock the extremely contagious experiments" Soundwave showed up the scan of the lock, no one could open it. ,, Well we need to try"  Said Megatron while sliding his blade and destroying the lock. Doors moved and a cloud of the smoke got out causing them to cough. Inside was some kind of bot that they can't recognize. His paint was all gone and what remaind of him was just an empty shell of a bot. ,,Looks like he died eons ago" Starscream said while looking at him. ,, Yes but what killed him" Soundwave asked. ,,I don't care about that now this was just a waste of time" Megatron said while calling for groundbrige. They all left not knowing what they just unleashed.

Tomorrow started normal, everyone is working and Starscream was going through the hallway when all of a sudden he felt dizzy. Hallway became blurry and started turning around him, his spark started beating faster and his legs felt numb and Shakey. ,, Commander, commander" Some viecons yelled. ,, AH, Yes what's wrong" He asked. ,,Are you feeling good" They asked concerned. He got back to normal and answered yes while continuing to his destination. Meanwhile in the computer room Soundwave's vision was also getting blurry and his arms started shaking, his head started to hurt but it stopped after a few minutes. ,, Soundwave are you feeling good" Asked Megatron. He just nodded yes. ,, Let's go check out how is Knockout doing" Megatron said while Soundwave followed him. On the other side of the ship Starscream was flying with his viecons when everything took a dark turn. It was going good until his vision became blurry again and his spark started to beat faster. He tried to get back on the dock but all of a sudden he felt sharp pain in his chest and couldn't take it anymore and just transformed in the air and started falling head down. ,, COMMANDER" Viecons yelled while flying to save him but it was too late. He hit the ground and fell in coma. His wings tore in pieces and he didn't respond. ,, LORD MEGATRON STARSCREAM FEEL DOWN WE NEED DOCTOR" Someone yelled through the com link. ,, WHAT"  He answered. Immediately the ground brige opened and two Viecons carried Starscream and one carried wing parts. Megatron saw a lot of horrors in his life but scene like this was shocking. In that moment Knockout show up. ,, What is so urg ...OH MY PRIMUS WHAT HAPPENED" He yelled shocked at what he see. They placed him on the table and Knockout asked what they knew. ,, He just transformed mid air and started falling we don't know why but he looked like he was sleeping" One Viecon said. ,,Why would he do something like that" Knockout yelled while stabilizing his state ,,Oh no he was in a coma" Megatron asked was there anything suspicious about his. ,, Actually he did have a health problems today" One Viecon said. ,, What type" Medic asked. ,,His legs are shaking and his spark was beating faster, in the air he complained about blurry vision but it was clear" He answered. ,,I don't know what happened to him what could it be" Knockout yelled while he was putting him on life support. While all of this was happening Soundwave started to feel dizzy and all of a sudden he immediately collapsed right next to Starscream. ,, SOUNDWAVE" Megatron yelled while trying to lift him up. He placed him on the second med table and Knockout took a scan of him. ,,He needs life support"he answered while hooking it up on him. ,,What is wrong with them" Megatron asked worried. Two of the most important decepticons are officially in a coma and that was not a good sign. Knockout compared scanning results on the computer. ,,They both have same simptoms, I'm looking in the base what color cause it and... NO" Knockout stopped in the middle of a sentence. Megatron looked at the computer and his body freeze in horror. ,,NO, NO, NO, NO, NO ANYTHING ELSE BUT THIS" He cried. On the computer was an old article about the worst disease for the flyers. Virus 1. Megatron was now traumatized, virus 1 is a biological weapon made in the labs of the Vos. It was made for flyers only and there's no cure. ,, HOW DOES IT FOUND IT'S WAY ON THE SHIP" Knockout asked in despair, he knows about this virus, it was the worst punishment bot could have. It completely eats the body's of a person infected and is extremely painful. Megatron immediately remembered that he opened capsule with a body of the bot and a cloud of dust. ,, That was actually a virus" Knockout said. ,, But how about me, I'm also a flying bot, why am I not infected" He asked. ,, You had operation to make yourself a flyer but your CNY said otherwise, it wasn't attacking you because of this" Knockout answered. Megatron was now just broken, he never thought about this situation, Soundwave on a life support, Knockout panicking but more painfully, Starscream that looked more dead then alive. He got out of the med bay to the throne room calling for emergency meeting.

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