Prologue and Chapter 1

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This is the second storyline for The Moon Princess. It's all together, more rough and violent, less happily ever after and more sex. Contains rape and violence. Not for the faint hearted. It starts off similarly, but will gain its own storyline soon enough. Based off of the previous main character, although she's gone through some tweaking here and there. Enjoy.


One would have to wonder how I got myself into these kinds of things. At least this time it wasn't completely my fault. This mess was started because of who I am. Yeah, I know. You'd think that someone wouldn't get crap about who your family is. Well, you do. One of the only reasons I'm stuck in a forest with a bunch of horny werewolves is because I just happen to be a werewolf's 'daughter'. Now, don't get me wrong, I love my family, but sometimes… it's stressful. Especially if you are a mate less girl, with killer looks and a submissive demeanor… which is what I happen to be.

My name is Alyssa Jane, I am sixteen, and my few friends call me AJ. I love my name because the Moon Herself named me. Unfortuneately, life isn't fun in games in our community for a woman. Women have to take what they are given… Oh, I forgot to mention it before… but my 'father' is my clan's chief. Yeah, you would think that if my father was in charge I'd get some slack. No bloody way. Unfortunately, because of my father's position, I have a harder time than anyone else… especially because since I am my father's only child. Lots of pressure, I know.

The already suffocating pressure worsened after my first change at the age of 8. My coloring is extremely unique, and very powerful. My mate will gain much from my wolf. She is wise, and is only seen every 1,000 years. She's an sinful black, with soft fur and a mixture of silver and golden highlights.

My father, Anum, is a giant, with a six foot stature and bulging muscles. His wolf is dark brown, and emits the Alpha aura. My mother died when I was only 9 years old. She was pretty; small and delicate. My father's hair is as dark as blackberries, while my mother's hair was as red as the setting sun. I was lucky; I am just as, if not more, beautiful than my mother was.

My mother was ambitious and courageous, while I am shy unless provoked. She kept her hair short, never below her chin; I keep my hair long, never above my mid-back. My mother's hair was as curly as a vine, and, while mine is straight. I, just as my mother was, am of a shorter stature, of around 5'5. If you were to compare us to toys, my mother would have been the action figure everyone fought over playing with, while I am the porcelain doll that everyone wasn't allowed to adore.

I am pale, not like my father and his tan skin. If not for my father's position, I would have never even met my best friend. I'm that shy and distanced. When you get to know me though, you discover that I really am a thoughtful person. I just save that personality for my friends, which basically means save few see it. I live a hard life. Kept around for my father's position and rank, but not accepted for the same reason. Well, actually, I don't know if I would be accepted or rejected. I've never met my people.

Luckily, I have other attributes than having straight, waist-length, silky black hair; a short stature; and pale skin. Mother Moon also gave me beautiful green eyes that captivates any person that looks directly into them, and some much defined curves. Of course, no one is able to notice this because of the way I am kept hidden. No one really knows what I look like, except for my father. I'm kept hidden and protected.

A very sheltered life I've lived until this point. Of course, right as I was starting to accept this fact, father decides to hold a Great Mating. In case you haven't heard, Great Matings are when all of the unmated males and females gather in the woods, the girls in white dresses made to cling to the waist and bodice, yet barely touch the legs, and the boys in their 2nd werewolf forms.* When father stops his thankful howl to the Moon, the girls must run as fast as possible, so they can have a chance to get away. The men then chase after the women, stalking the woman he wants, and tries to make her his. If more than one male wants a woman, they fight over her. The winner claims the 'prize'; her life, her heart (as if), and her virginity.

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