Chapter Nine

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Caleb's heart raced as Stilinski pulled up to Scott's house, where he was being dropped off. With each passing second, Caleb's
heart pounded harder, as if it were about to burst from his chest at any moment. The anticipation of what awaited him at Scott's house had him on edge, his nerves frayed and his emotions threatening to spill over.

Caleb couldn't believe that this kind of thing could happen, sure, he somewhat believed in the supernatural and ghosts and what not, but time travel? That was on another level of supernatural.

Stilinski placed a comforting hand on Caleb's shoulder. "She's in good hands, kid. If anything happens I know Scott and my son can handle it."

Caleb nodded slowly. He knew that too, he had watched a few episodes of Teen Wolf with Alex, but it was still a terrifying world to live in.

"Uh, thank you for the ride," Caleb said, offering a handshake before making his way towards the front door. The dim glow from the light above the door cast a soft illumination on the welcome mat below, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere as he approached the entrance.

Before he could even knock, the door swung open and Stiles appeared in the doorway. "You must be Caleb! Welcome to Scott's humble abode!"

Caleb steps in and immediately makes eye contact with Alex.

"Alex," he whispered softly, a hint of urgency in his voice. Upon hearing her name, she rushed over to him, her arms encircling him in a tight embrace.

The emotion of their family reunion was evident, as if time had momentarily stood still, allowing them to savor the comfort and security of being in each other's arms once again.

"Caleb, thank god. Are you okay? Any signs from Mom and Dad?" Alex asked.

"No, no signs of them. Wow, there are lot more people here than I expected," Caleb takes a look around the room, his eyes bouncing from one person to the next. He couldn't believe that Alex had met all of these people in the amount of time she had been here.

"Oh, yeah. I guess I should introduce you to everyone, this may take a while..."


After Alex introduced Caleb to the group, they immediately began explaining their plan. They had written it all down

Step One. Wait for a thunderstorm to strike

Step two. Have Alex fall asleep to a random movie and hope for the best. While also hoping she goes back home and not into that universe.

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