3: Mohwee - He's Imperfect, But He Tries

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Squidney laughed as Oeca wiped the dirt from his face, doubling over in giggles. "Don't laugh, you got mud on me!" "I'm sorry, you just look- ha!" "Squidney!"  "Sorry!" Oeca grumbled, unable to hide the smile growing on his face. He shook his hand, letting some of the dirt fly into her face. She gasped. "You little shit!" She tackled him to the ground, the two giggling and snorting as Squidney rubbed mud on his nose. "S-Squidney, get off of me!" He snickered, trying to push her off as she laughed. "Alright then." Squidney placed one more dot of mud on his face, then sat up. Oeca staggered to his feet, trying to wipe the dirt from his face. 

"You're such a bitch." "Aw, love ya too buddy." Squidney wrapped her arms around him, nearly squeezing the life out of him. "Squidney, I-I can't breathe." He wheezed. "Oh fuck!" She quickly set him down. "I am so sorry!" "No, no, I'm fine. Don't worry." He stifled a laugh. "You have weak noodle arms." "Okay, you- Hey! Get back here, you-" Oeca ran off cackling as Squidney shouted after him. The brunette didn't bother chasing him, continuing her gardening with a smile.

She was happy for him. He deserved to smile every once in a while.

Of course, that's when she heard a scream.

Squidney's head shot up, and she started running towards the sound, her thoughts clouded with panic. Only one thought made its way through the haze.


Squidney slowed to a stop, pausing and catching her breath. She glanced up and was met with an odd sight.

There were two people, staring at her with matching expressions of horror. One was Oeca, dirt still smudged across his cheeks and his dark wide. The other made her breath catch in her throat.


Mohwee backed away and knocked his head into a tree branch. "Fucking- ow!" "Okay, what the fuck?!" Oeca shrieked. "Oeca, what- you're alive!" The boy sucked in a breath. "Oh, that's not..." "And Squidney, what-" Mohwee paused. "Squidney, you're supposed to be..." "Dead? Yeah, it's a long story." She smiled sadly. "It's nice to see you Mohwee." Oeca glanced between them, took a long look at Mohwee's face, and gasped. "Oh! You didn't- you didn't know?" "Know what?" "Oh shit, nobody told him?" He looked up at Squidney, confusion written across his face. "Told me what?" Mohwee screeched.

"Dude, I'm dead! And now so are you! Yay!" Oeca made jazz hands, and Squidney failed to stifle her giggles. Mohwee looked mortified. "I'm sorry, can you repeat that? Because for a second I thought you said I'm fucking dead." "Oh man, I wish." Oeca snorted, taking a few steps forward and wrapping an arm around his shoulders. "But this is very real. Sadly." Mohwee stared for a moment, before reaching out and poking Oeca in the face. "Ow! You dick!" Oeca rubbed his eye, scowling. "You could have just asked me to pinch you or something- oof!" Mohwee barreled into him, knocking him to the floor in a bone-crushing hug.

"Mohwee, are you..." "I was so worried," Mohwee's voice was thick with tears. "I just thought- God, Oeca, I missed you. I missed you so much." Squidney didn't miss the way Oeca's own eyes welled up with tears as he buried his head in Mohwee's shoulder, returning the embrace with just as much enthusiasm. "...I missed you too." Squidney watched the teary reunion with a small smile. 

Oeca got to his feet after a few beats, wiping stray tears from his eyes. "I should show you the garden. I think you'll like it- Oh, and I should also mention we don't have heartbeats, or blood even-" "Oeca," Squidney interrupted. "Could... Could you give us a few minutes?" The youngest of the trio glanced between them, his mouth turning up in a wicked smirk. "Of course!" He turned to walk away, pausing to wink in Mohwee's direction before he ran off. Mohwee glared at his retreating figure before turning back to her, his expression turning to something softer.

"Can I hug you?" She whispered, and Mohwee was already walking towards her, throwing his arms around her. Squidney relaxed, silent tears streaming down her face. Mohwee only hugged her tighter, letting her pull him down with her as they sunk to the ground. "I'm so sorry," She mumbled. "I'm so sorry I left." "Squids," Mohwee pulled her closer. "I don't care. I am so glad you're here." Squidney pulled away, inspecting Mohwee's face for wounds. There was a massive bruise over his right eye, and cuts littered across his face, but those would heal quickly. If anything, Squidney thought they made him look more attractive. 

"Mohwee, what happened?" "Let's just say," He smiled, one of those soft, small smiles she rarely saw. "We should start a 'eaten alive by grievers' club." "Oh Mohwee, I'm-" "If you say sorry, I will punch you." "...You suck." Mohwee laughed, pulling her closer and burying his head in her hair. "I really missed you Squids." "Missed you too, Mo."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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