IzuTobi: Highschool AU

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Madara let out a low growl of frustration as he glared at Tobirama. "Hashirama! That bastard cheated! There is no way he got another damn A!"

Hashirama laughs nervously as he looks between his younger brother and best friend. "Well, he is just astute?? Maybe if you focus on doing your homework more, you will have straight A's too, Mada."

That was different from what the Uchiha wanted to hear. "Yeah?! Well maybe if Izuna stopped sneaking out in the middle of the night, I would be able to instead of looking for him!" The raven retorts.

"He's sneaking out?" Hashirama looks at Madara with worry. "Oh wait...I forgot about that..."

As if on cue, the 16-year-old Izuna walks in. "Have any of you seen Tobira–" He pauses at seeing Hashirama and Madara arguing. "Madara-Nii, are you okay?" ((ArE yOu OkAy??)) He asks with a frown.

Madara pauses and turns to him, "Otouto...Can I ask you something?" He sighs, but pauses when he registers Hashirama's last mumbled words. "Wait....YOU KNEW AND DIDN'T TELL ME?!?!"

Izuna blinks, havin g no clue what is going on. Hashiram nods, "Yeah, he and Tobirama have study nights."

Madara's eyes narrow, "Izuna..."

Tobirama enters the room, pausing momentarily at seeing the two Uchiha brothers. "Tsk...Izuna, I thought I told you to not to use all the damn shampoo."

Izuna smiles, "Sorry! My hair has to be perfectly soft, you know? Besides, don't you prefer my hair being all fluffy?"

Madara falls silent as his mind races at his brother's words. "Wait wait wait....Someone explain...what the bloody hell is going on!!"

Hashirama sweatdrops, "You didn't know? Izuna and Tobi are dating."

"Well, I know now!! And you!" He looks at Tobirama. "Hurt him and I'll tear out your throat."

Tobirama scoffs and rolls his eyes, "I'll take better care of him than you, Uchiha. And last time I checked, I believe you have a test to study for, not me."

(Idk what I just wrote but it happened 💀🤚)

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