Chapter 1: Meeting the Decepticons

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One cold night in the alleys of New York City, a young woman was walking back to her makeshift home until she stopped dead in her tracks. Why would she go back, she is already 18, no one is going to adopt her, they only wanted the little kids.

"I never even belonged there to begin with, not even the workers liked me." She said, as turned around and headed towards a different place. She went to the subway station and rode a random subway to a different part of the city. She always carried money on her, she wasn't leaving any valuables back in the orphanage. She had all she needed in her backpack. She hopped off the subway and looked at the station she stopped at. It looked abandoned.

"Never hurts to explore." She said aloud, as she hopped on some broken tracks across from the tracks that are still used for the subway. She was walking along until a cloud of green and blue appeared in front of her. It was huge compared to her, and didn't realize it was a portal until two huge robots came out of it.

"Look Knockout, I got to say why we gotta look for a human." Said the blue spiky robot. They didn't see the small human women down on their feet, she quickly and quietly hid behind their feet.

"It's for Moonshine and Shockwave's project to give a 'friend' to Predaking Breakdown." Said the red robot to Breakdown. 'So the red is named Knockout and the blue is Breakdown...' the young woman thought to herself. As she followed along, she stepped on a weak point on the tracks that made a sound that echoed through the tunnel. Knockout and Breakdown both turned and looked down to see who made the noise.

"Hey look, easy and she looks good for the picking." Said Breakdown, as Knockout bent down and grabbed her. The woman tried to break free but it was no use.

"She does look good to me." Knockout said, as he brought his servo closer to see her.

"Yeah I'm human, but I have a name you know." Said the young woman who gave up trying to break free. Where would she go if she was free, no place will give her a roof over her head.

"Oh my bad, what is your name?" Breakdown asked.

"The name is Natalie, and you are Breakdown..." She said, pointing at him as he nodded. "And your Knockout." Than pointed at Knockout.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Natalie, but this won't hurt a bit." Said Knockout, as Natalie gave him a questioning look at something shocked her from behind making her vision go black. Knockout and Breakdown requested a space bridge back to the Nemesis. Breakdown pulled out a medium size tube and Knockout put unconscious Natalie in it. As they made it through the space bridge, they saw Megatron, Shockwave, and Starscream waiting for them.

"That was quick, did you find one?" Said Starscream as he crossed his arms in front of his chassis.

"Yea, she was in the subway tracks." Said Knockout as he handed the tube over to Shockwave.

"And her name is Natalie." Said Breakdown, as both Megatron and Shockwave nodded.

"She will make a fine specimen." Shockwavesaid, as he made his way over to the lab. Megatron ordered Soundwave to do some research on Natalie. In the lab, Shockwave was making sure Natalie consciousness is good while also made sure the body they were gonna transfer her in was doing ok. It was a lengthy process but it was done, Shockwave made sure the experiment was a success. Natalie opened up her eyes and groaned as she sat up from where she was laying.

"How are you feeling Natalie?" Shockwave asked Natalie as she looked over to see where the sound came from, than she later realized she was almost just about its size. She began to panic.

"Woah, you are okay. Just breathe." Said Shockwave, as Natalie took a deep breath in and out.

"I'm calm, but I have multiple questions." Natalie said, as Shockwave gave her a nod.

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