A short story

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Have you ever received a call from someone that ever changed your mood or something about you?

Staring at the crowd of people watching me, while I stand on this beautiful altar of God, I wonder to myself, Rebecca how did you get here?

"Ma, it's time to take the questions" An Usher says, drawing my attention to her.

"Alright, let's have it!" I smile

"Thank you very much ma, the first question here is.." The usher says staring into her phone, I had just held a youths and teens program in the biggest church in the city, it turned out mind blowing with about ninety of them giving their lives to christ, I had quickly clean the tears that almost dropped from my eyes. "Is... Ma, you've been a true blessing and inspiration to me today, but I'd really love to ask, how were able to know God was calling out to you?" The questions were asked anonymously through an app, hmm...technology!

I smile.

"I never choose to be called, I just wanted to be that life of the party girl, but God called me and I almost didn't answer" I say, I could see them burst into laughter, at my choice of words, but I had just spilled facts. "You think it's funny yeah? I'm sure most of y'all cry in this altar and say God use me, use me! But are you truly ready to be used my friend? You know, funny how I never prayed this prayers, I had just resumed university with my new roomie, Jemima. We were excited about it, I mean it's our first year, plus we were out of parents cage, I know most of y'all definitely felt this way too"

"Yes maaa!!!" They yell

I chuckle "I know, I've been there!" Still chuckling "were you invited for freshers day in any campus fellowship?"

"Yes maa!" Half the crowd yelled

I nod "I was invited too, several girls came my way, oh hi what's your name? I'd like to invite you too...skrrskrrr" I chuckle at my words "I assured them I was going to come, But, I never went, my coursemate Precious, who is still a very good friend of mine, was a witness too. We never attended, wetin concern me concern fellowship? On my 16th birthday, same year I gain admission, my dad added a Bible to the birthday gifts I received from him, I was almost pissed, I mean, I already had one Bible I wasn't even reading, I can recall clearly when I was coming to school I left that Bible on the desk in my room, today I carry this Bible everywhere" I show the crowd, the hall went really quiet as they listened.

"The fun part of all these was how I eventually got to the fellowship, I was walking that evening with Precious, we were going to get food from our favorite restaurant, when this very fine guy stopped us, I fell in love immediately" The crowd laughs again "Even at night, his lightskin glowed, mehnn...God took his time to create this guy" I stare at my husband sitting on the Minister's seats, he stares back and we exchange smiles.

"Well, I'd like to tell y'all that guy now happens to be my husband today!" I smile brightly

"Awwwwwwwww!" They exclaim funnily

"He had stopped us to invite us for church and as usual we promised to come, he left. But, this time around I was determined to go so I'd see this fine boy again!" I say, everyone laughs. "When I got to the fellowship, I looked for him everywhere I couldn't see him, oh! Probably he didn't come today, I thought, Listening to word of God that day, it pierce through my heart for the first time and I'd never forget. I'd forever honor my Man of God for his words that day, I remember touching my cheek that day to feel the tears streaming down my eyes uncontrollably. Trust me, I wasn't a bad girl, I was just seventeen at that time and the aim was get good grades and marry a fine man, but the realization of how I had been separated from my Heavenly Father hit me, the first guilt I felt was coming to church because I want to see a guy" the crowd laugh, I laugh too "Choi! Rebecca you can do better, I skipped the part of name sef" I chuckle "Growing up I hated my name, Perhaps because it was biblical, I made my friends call me Becca or Bec!" I chuckle "Rededicated my life to christ that day and my life took a flight, I cried at home so much, I didn't know why I felt so emotional that day, in my dream that night, I saw myself being anointed, me wey dem Dey always pursue for dream" Everyone laughs

"He anointed me and said welcome back my love! I woke up, I was still a baby Christian and I didn't know any of this stuffs. The fellowship leader called me later in the day, since they collected my number as a first timer, told me how they were happy to have me, encouraged me to join a department, and prayed for me. I was like this people are really nice, boom! I join the choir and I was always going to fellowship from time to time, everyone knew around me that something changed about especially my roommate, I tried forcing her to church or pray with me, toor! It didn't work, I started living a fasted life, praying daily. One day, during a choir rehearsal vigil, I was asked to lead prayer and that was how the atmosphere change, i was praying, they were praying and my eyes was seeing things, ah! I remembered the Bible verse In the last days, God says I will pour out my spirit on all people, Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions and old men will dream dreams. You know I once asked my elder sister shortly after I gain admission, how it felt like to be in school and she said normal, not like you will be seeing Jesus everyday, we had laugh over it but, that night of this choir vigil I remembered that conversation and thought to myself, one can actually see Jesus everyday. We kept on praying, the holyspirit kept on showing me, the burden most of these choristers carry, I began to hold them one after the other and pray, there was a complete shift that night, me Rebecca pray like this, I got scared of myself that day and since then, it's been me taking the word of God to others, next question please"

They clap

"Ma, you didn't mention how you later met your husband" the usher say

The crowd exclaim as they burst into laughter

I laugh too "is that part of the next question eh" I laugh "Okay so...after all these has been happening around me, praying, fasting and revivals. Was like a full semester, I was in 200lv leading worship when he walked in, he wasn't actually a student in my school, he schooled in another state but his family house was beside my school, I even wondered how he started coming for campus fellowship. I was glad he recognized me when he saw me, I told him how the fellowship had changed my life, he was super excited and we became friends, he started inviting me to small programs he used to host, encouraged me to take the closing prayer and one day, hmm.." I cleared my throat, everyone bursting into laughter, I watch my husband laugh too "Man of God held my hands and said I want to spend the rest of my life with you!"


"Next question please!"

The End

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