9 1 7

october 10 1926

(Note; this is like a what if, what if The Prophecy was made in the 1800s and like Percy wasn't it.. soo all the shit that happened, happened to Mari)

The court thing was called off cause the guy wasn't arrested as someone (little old me) came forward and told em they stole it.


Anyways, the stupid Cunt I call me Ma sent me off to some stupid posh school in fucking Maine.

You might live near Maine, or in Maine. But I don't! I live in Alaska! A L A S K A! The state right next to Canada. That used to be owned by the Russians before they gave it up.

So I finally got to Maine really late at night and my Ma looked at me. "I'll pick you up for the holidays." She simply said and then drove away.

Gods I hated that woman, but not as much as I hated Thorn. But I made friends with a girl named Adelheid Kane. I called her Heidi. She called me Marilena. We were also the same age.

Thorn would watch us and kind of just stand there sometimes and oddly eye a guy named James. He was really weird however, he would stare at us too and look frustrated when thorn was around.

On the last day of term, I pointed out to Heidi that he was there. But he wasn't alone. He was accompanied with three others. Another boy and two girls.

James and the boy did not look fancy at all. The first girl with blonde hair was wearing a flapper dress, it was the normal standards to wear and a lot of people were wearing them. Me and Heidi were wearing them as well.

The last girl was very out of fashion, she wore a white dress that was like a 1850 dress. They were all eyeing them.

"They're looking at us." Heidi sighed. "Why is James so obsessed with us?" I wondered aloud.

"Not sure, but it's weird as fuck." Heidi nodded to me, we both laughed. Thorn approached us.

"Follow me. Quickly." He commanded and then he grabbed us by the scruffs of our necks and charged out of the hall with us. We were in the main lobby.

He then showed himself to be some ugly creature that shot black projectiles that were about a foot long. He also had another girl we knew called Alessia. We called her Ale.

Then the boy we saw with James come, holding a fucking sword. Heidi had lost her hat, and I had ditched mine ages ago. She grabbed onto me and we hugged each other, in fear of both of them.

The boy advanced slowly, lowering the tip of his sword. "It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you."

None of us answered. My eyes shot back and forth between him and Thorn, attempting to warn him. Alessia coughed while looking straight at Thorn.

"My name's John," The boy, John as he revealed himself to be, said. "I'm going to take you out of here, get you somewhere safe."

I clenched my fists and then he only then realised what I was trying to do when it was too late.

A force like a huge hand yanked him backward and slammed him to the wall next to me. Heidi flew backwards into Alessia who caught her.

John slashed with his sword but there was nothing to hit nearby.

A cold laugh echoed through the hall.

"Yes, Johnathan Jackson." Dr. Thorn said. His accent mangled the J in his last name. "I know who you are."

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