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Annie - Sameena aunty

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Annie - Sameena aunty... please i beg you... what is going on?

sameena - i know... Look...i can't fight alone.your mother was with me in the beginning but she has left me.

your mother was with me in the beginning but she has left me

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Annie - But this is wrong... Fakhir isn't ready,nor am i.

sameena - Fakhir knows...

Annie - yes,he knows.

sameena - when did he come to know?

sameena - when did he come to know?

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Annie - i don't know about that.he learned it last night.

sameena - why didn't he talk to me?

Annie - How do i know? aunty, listen to me.

Annie - How do i know? aunty, listen to me

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