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"I don't look good omg he's gonna find me weird" screams wooyoung while looking at himself in the mirror after changing his outfit multiple times

"Shutup u look so hot if we had more time I would've fucked u woo" he chuckles and leans on the wall

"Omg shutup u horny ass"

"Okay your majesty now let's go before the meeting ends"

"OH come on mingi what's your favorite outfit? Should I just add a leather jacket to the first outfit? I think I should wear the 2nd outfit's jeans with this shirt with the transparent green crocheted shirt, but wait I'll be freezing omg wait I'll just wear the black corset. Omg he will find it weird I guess
Noooooo he wouldn't because Seonghwa hung used to wear corse-" he stops talking because his "friend" wrapped his hands around his waist and turned him around and started kissing him

"Shut up Young-ah u look absolutely gorgeous in anything you wear
Just wear the white corset with a leather jacket you have a beautiful waist. And I loved your ripped light blue jeans they look so hot on you" says mingi while fixing his black hair

"Thank you hyung I really needed that" he kisses his cheek and starts taking off his clothes

"Omg you pervert stop looking at me"

"I've seen more honey"

"Omg shutup and get out that's embarrassing "

"Haha okay just hurry up we're gonna be late"

"See I told you that it's gonna look good"
Says mingi while checking him out

"Thank you, you look handsome "
Mingi has black and blonde hair, he's wearing a white hoodie with a leather jacket and wide blue jeans

"Let's go" he intertwined their hands and walked out of the house

The place was crowded and loud even though it was just a fan meeting
But the guys were having fan because of the multiple conversations they had with other atinys there, everyone was super sweet as if they all know each other. In fact that has always been the case with kpop fans, talking with a kpop fan isn't like talking with a stranger at all and it always feels like you guys know each other
Because you're both in the same boat
You already know that the other fan isn't going to judge you
And that you guys share the same interests which is really cool

"So who's your bias?" Says a girl that's wearing a black dress and a red jacket to wooyoung

"It's San hyung, I really love him"

"Omg why are you blushing your boyfriend is literally besides you "

"He's not my boyfriend Mingi stop holding my waist omg that's weird "
Says woo while trying to get away

"Okay okay Don't get mad princess "

"Omg shutup we're in public"

"It's time to meet the boys, get in the line everyone and don't push each other please" says a stuff member while trying to get the fans inside safely

As if she didn't ask them not to push each other they were already running and pushing each other to get in first but because of the large stuff member they managed to get everyone in safe.
Where the boys were sitting
Yunho, jongho, seonghwa, hongjoong and San in the last chair

"Omg look at how beautiful Yunho is "


"If yunho wants me to bark I'll definitely bark"

"Eew shutup that's so weird mingi"

"As if you didn't bark when we went to the concert"

"That was just in the concert"

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