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"Yes omg and he even called Me pretty I almost cried he looked so fine yeo"

"Wow girl you literally had your y/n moments didn't you"says yeosang while smiling widely

A phone starts ringing so it gets them our of their yelling session

"Ofc it's Mingi " says woo and picks the phone

"Wooyoung where are you?"

"I'm with Yeosang. Wait are you okay? Why are breathing that way??"
Replies wooyoung and gets concerned

"Yeah yeah I just need you, can you please come woo?"

"OH my god you scared me what the fuck I'm not coming just because your horny" he says the last part in a lower voice

"Omg wooyoung go and help him you know how he can get when u do that" says Yeosang while trying not to laugh

"No shutup the concert is literally tomorrow and I wanna walk like a human"

"So you're finally admitting that my dick is huge ha"

"Omg fuck you"

"Gladly" he chuckles

"Wait man u just said that you're staying! Omg I can't believe you"

"I am a biological male who has needs bitch stay mad. Byyye"

Mingi hears the door being opened after literally 15 minutes "I knew that he's gonna come haha" he chuckles breathlessly

"Mingi where are you. I'm home MINGI" come on before I change my mind"

Wooyoug opens the door to his room
And finds the lights off so he tries reaching for the light but a hand stops him from doing that. He holds his waist from behind and he can feel the heavy breaths on the back of his neck

"Omg you pervert i-" Mingi starts kissing the younger's neck from behind and touching his chest with a hand While trying to unbuckle his belt with another

"I thought you weren't coming young-ah" says mingi while touching the boy's already leaking member without taking off his jeans

"Omg aa~ah mingi that's too much you know that I ca~a-ah" he says and reaches to start touching the taller who's weirdly not wearing anything and who's burning with heat

"You pervert. aah Don't just ignore me hyung"he presses on the head of his throbbing member and hears the older groan So he gains more confidence and begins to rub his cock in a plainly slow motion

Meanwhile mingi starts touching the younger's ass cheeks "hyuu- nng aah hyung please I mea-n sir"

He can feel the other's dick twitch because of the simple word

"Say that again and I'll fuck you on the fucking ground " he groans and inserts his middle finger inside wooyoung's hole

"I would take it gladly sir"
Mingi takes his finger out and inserts two instead and starts taking them in and out faster while listening to the blonde's beautiful moans. While making sure to scissor him to get him ready for his large dick

"Aa~ah I want you please" he tries turning but the other locks his fingers around his neck and takes his fingers out
"You freak. U loved it ha" he tightens the grip" and he can see woo trying so hard not to roll his eyes

He puts his hand on the boy's lips

"Open that loud mouth of yours for me princess "
He can literally feel his cock twitch shamelessly because of the chocking and the nickname that turns him on even more if it's possible

The younger obeys and starts kissing and licking the Long fingers and touching the older's broad shoulders and beautiful chest

After a minute he turns and tries running away but the other catches him and carries him so he automatically wraps his legs around his weirdly small waist and wraps his arms around his neck

They start making out hungrily as if they were starved for days
But all of a sudden mingi starts touching his hole again
And rubbing his ass cheek with his other hand

"Please please sir I wan- aaa~ah"
He inserts two fingers immediately

"Don't hide your beautiful moans kitten I wanna hear them they make my thoughts go wild" he kisses him again

"Aa~h Nngh hyu-nngh"

"I wanna ruin you so bad woo
I already came while thinking of your ass 10 minutes ago baby" he adds another finger "I can ruin that beautiful body of yours" his hands start moving faster and faster

"Aa~ just like that hyung I'm cumming"

"Sshh you didn't ask for permission do u think I'm letting a boy come?"

He starts using his fingers faster and woo can literally capture him smirk with that evil face

"Do you think I'd let you come without ruining your pretty little hole? Ha
Aww someone is excited. I'll let you look at your shameless face in a huge mirror while fucking you next time"

The taller takes off his fingers and starts walking to the bed while kissing the younger's neck . He drops him on the bed and hovers above the boy and starts Kissing his chest leaving him a moaning mess

The blonde's hips move automatically just to rub their painfully hard dicks on each them and make them moan

Mingi holds the boy's hips in a way that would leave bruises even when they can't even see each other

"Hyung please I wanna see you"

"Shshsh i know that doing this in the dark is making you excited baby" he says and starts liking the boys pink nipple

"Aah young-ah did I tell you that you tasted like cherrys before mmh" he groans and moves his hips slowly just to let his body touch the other's body and starts rolling his hips "aah hyu-gii"

"You're delicious I can eat your nipples for hours"

"You're making me shy" he says while doing something that's definitely proving the opposite

He takes the two dicks and starts pumping them using his smaller hand
While using his other hand to grab the taller's hair locks

"Aah just like that princess... use your second hand baby so u can touch my whole di- mmh just like that you're doing well" he starts kissing him again

"Lick the other one" "ha" I said lick the second nipple hyung I'm cumming"
He starts licking without a question
"Someone is getting wilder I love it"

"Aah hyung I'm cumming
Can I please?"

"You asked nicely so of course you can baby" the boy cums in a second and his hands becomes sticky but he keeps rubbing the two dicks

Mingi reaches for his hand and starts helping him until he finally cums

"That was so hot "

"Can u please clean us hyung"

"Shh did you really think that we were done. I didn't get a chance to ruin you"


"Shutup and turn around before I chocke you" the younger's cock twitches and he let's a shy a-ah

"Hyung i think I'm horny"

"Yes you're so wet for me baby"

"Hyung please fuck me but let me suck your dick first"


"If you start sucking dick for money you'll become rich in like two months woo. But I'll be so jealous"

"Omg you're a freak but I'd love to suck San off tho"

"So woo of you I'm not even surprised "

"Goodnight babygirl"
"Nighty hyung" they cuddle and sleep innocently as if they didn't fuck for hours

Haha the nastiest dirtiest people ever are the ones with innocent looking angel faces
And that's literally me😭😭😭😭

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