Chapter 2

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———————————————————————You woke up to the bright light shining through the window

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You woke up to the bright light shining through the window. You pulled the covers over your head so you weren't blinded by the light. You eventually got up and brushed your hair. You took out the key you got yesterday. "Well here goes nothing! Open! Gate of the Flaming Beast! Phoenix!"

Another bright light appeared but it disappeared fairly quickly as well

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Another bright light appeared but it disappeared fairly quickly as well. In front of you there was a huge flaming bird. It was majestical, it just stood still in front of you, its wings were red and yellow flames. "So what days work for you? Uh huh. Alright that's it! Thanks!" You closed the gate after you finished your contract. "Hehe~ another spirit that I successfully made a contract with!" You were able to set sail later that morning but not before you grabbed some breakfast at a local tavern. The seas were a bit rougher today which you were a little concerned about but nothing you couldn't handle. The wind was also blowing pretty harshly so you assumed that a storm was brewing so you headed inside the ship. "Open! Gate of the Lion! Leo!" Once again he appeared right beside you. "Missed me already?" You smiled at him. "Somewhat also I'm kind of bored." The ship started to rock violently causing you to trip, but Loke quickly caught you before you hit anything.

You were a little flustered at the close contact between the two of you and he took notice of it

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You were a little flustered at the close contact between the two of you and he took notice of it. He gently grabbed your chin and moved his face closer to yours. You honestly thought he was going to kiss you then but instead he gave you a small peck on your cheek and backed away. Although he was still holding on to your waist to make sure you wouldn't fall. "That storm sure seems brutal." You nodded your head and tried to open the cabin door but it wouldn't budge. "The wind must be keeping it shut! Well at least we're inside instead of out." "True true but now we can spend a bit more time together!" You sweatdropped as you watched him swoon over the thought but you eventually gave in and you both talked until the storm finally subsided. He went back and you were finally able to get the door open. The deck was soaked and you didn't have a clue where you were. You sighed and pulled out your map to see if there was any sort of island nearby and it seemed like luck was on your side.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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