twenty nine ; tear drops on my guitar (seungmin x jeongin)

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seungmin and jeongin had been bestfriends for years. they grew up next door to eachother and their parents immediately became friends after jeongin had randomly ran over into their yard to ask seungmin to play when both males were tiny little kids.

they were inseparable for many years. one of them was always at the others house so frequently both sets of parents had started to refer the boys as their "extra children." they'd spent countless hours playing videos games, going on shopping trips, attending concerts and fairs and pulling all nighters to study for exams when it came to for exam season.

the pair shared a dorm room now as they attended the same university although they were majoring in different fields. the friendship had remained mostly the same for awhile until one night when they two males had decided to go out drinking with their new group of friends.

seungmin didn't drink much and jeongin was a major light weight so seungmin always swore he'd watch out for his bestfriend. the night had led to jeongin getting plastered and whining at seungmin as he drug him back to their dorm so he could get some sleep.

"you're pretty minnie, so so pretty," jeongin hiccuped as seungmin helped him into his bed.

seungmin ignored the comment and began untying jeongin's shoes as the younger kept giggling and playing seungmin's hair. "oh, can't see now can you?" jeongin laughed as he covered seungmin's eyes with his hands.

"you're so silly innie," seungmin chuckled as he began tugging on jeongin's shirt.

"you can't see me naked! that's against the rules!" jeongin exclaimed as he covered his bare chest with his hands.

"i have to help you get dressed because someone decided to drink a little too much when we went out for dinner with the hyungs," seungmin said as he began tugging off jeongin's pants, tossing them to the side before he stood up and walked over to jeongin's dresser to pick out some pajamas for him to wear.

as seungmin stood there he suddenly felt a pair of arms around his waist and he looked up to see a very drunken jeongin back hugging him. he didn't want to admit it but the action ignited a feeling in the pit of his stomach he'd never felt before.

"such a pretty boy," jeongin whispered as he kissed the side of seungmin's neck.

"innie, you're drunk. don't do that," seungmin said as he grabbed a white muscle shirt and some black shorts for jeongin to change into.

"i mean it," jeongin slurred, tightening his grip on seungmin's waist. "i think you're pretty. is it wrong for me to say that?"

"while you're drunk yes," seungmin responds, prying jeongin's hands off his waist so he could turn around and get him dressed. he knew it was wrong for jeongin to say those things while intoxicated. although some people believe drunk words are sober thoughts, seungmin didn't want to partake in anything jeongin would inevitably regret the next morning.

after slipping jeongin's shirt on seungmin was shocked by jeongin cupping his face and planting his lips against his. seungmin didn't move for a moment and then quickly pulled away, ignoring the way jeongin was looking at him.

"let me kiss you min," jeongin said, planting another unreciprocated kiss against his bestfriends lips.

"jeongin, you're very drunk. let's just get you to bed yeah?" seungmin said before a third kiss was pressed against his lips.

as much as he wanted to fight against the kiss he couldn't ignore the way the kiss made him feel. it was electrifying. jeongin's lips were soft and still held the taste of the cherry liquor he'd been drinking before they left the bar and seungmin loved the way it tasted against his tongue as he kissed the younger male back. sure he'd been kissed before but nothing compared to that kiss, no kiss had ever made him feel so alive.

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