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{ Sierra's pov }

Dear diary
Today was another terrible day at school like always. The same group of kids shove me into my locker and drop my books on the ground. This has been going on since my first year of high school. I guess it's because I have clinicle depression which is major depression. It effects how I think, feel, and behave. Yes my parents are aware but they both work basically all day long. Since we're on the topic of my family I think you should know that I have a younger brother named Aaron who is 15. I also have a cat named mister chubs who is really old.
Anyways I should probably start on my homework bye diary!

I put my journal down and decided to go downstairs to get something to eat
I looked at the kitchen table and saw that my mum left me a note, my mum has never left me a note before so I guess it's important. I began to read the letter

Dear Sierra
Dad and I will not be home for a while, as you know your grandfather who lives in London has cancer. We got a call today from one of the doctors saying that he has gotten worse. We are very sorry we left without you knowing but this is very important. I have left $500 dollars under the family scrapbook in the living room. If you need anything call me and if you would like to talk to one of the doctors the number is on the fridge. Please try to keep the house clean, but you are alowed to have a couple people over. We love you very much Sierra and we will be home as soon as we can.

Love mom and dad💕💕

HappinessOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz