Chapter Twelve

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Im nervous as all get out, today.

I'm meeting Derek's mom in a little bit and I'm terrified.

I've heard the stories from the boys about her and I have also heard Derek's childhood stories about her.

"She will love you, she has been wanting me to move on from Karen for years." Derek said as I stood in the kitchen, cooking dinner.

"I'm just nervous, I've never met my boyfriend's parents before." I smiled nervously.

"Well your only meeting my mom so that should make half the nerves dissipate." He chuckled.

I poured spoon fulls over the pan of fried chicken before topping it with Parmesan and sliding it into the oven.

"Nana is here." Linus announced running to me.

We walked out of the kitchen and into the living room with Rajah following beside me.

"Derek, there's my baby boy." She smiled, pulling him into a hug.

"Mom, this is Elizabeth. My girlfriend." He smiled towards me.

"Hi it's nice to meet you." I smiled at her sweetly.

She scanned me up and down, pausing on my belly for a minute before smiling back at me but anyone with eyes could tell that it was forced.

"What's for dinner? I'm starved." She asked Derek as they walked to the kitchen.

"Get ready for an interesting night." Marcus said quietly as him and the boys nodded before they lead me back to the kitchen.

We were all sitting at the table, an awkward silence covering the table until Toby gets up and goes to the fridge, coming back with a Red Bull.

He cracked it open and blew on it before taking a sip.

"Why'd you just blow on your Red Bull?" Marcus questioned his brother.

"Cause it's too spicy." Toby shrugged in a duh tone as if that was obvious.

"Too spicy?" Silas cocked a brow at him.

"Yeah like whenever you open a drink and it's carbonated, it's too spicy on the tongue so you gotta like blow on it to fill it down a little bit." Toby explained.

"To cool it down?" Marcus furrowed his brows.

"Yeah, got to desizzle it." Toby chuckled.

"Desizzle it? Your the desizzler now?" Marcus deadpanned.

"Yeah it's harsh on my tongue and my teeth."

"Yeah you definitely have cavities you psycho. Go to the dentist." Silas exclaimed.

"I haven't gone to the dentist since I turned eighteen and dad couldn't make me anymore." He smirked triumphantly.

"I know you haven't and that's so bad." Marcus groaned.

"They scare me." Toby shrugged.

"They sc-" Silas started but stopped himself, dropping his silverware on it plate with a rattle sound. "They scare you?"


"Your a grown ass adult! Your damn near seven feet tall and the dentist fucking scares you?" Marcus exclaims.

"What, are you scared their gonna give you anesthesia and you'll wake up with you pants unzipped?" Derek chuckled.

I shot him a look as if to tell him he's not helping.

"Yes! That's exactly what I'm afraid of!" Toby threw his hands up.

"Toby, honey there is nothing scary about the dentist. How about I book you an appointment and promise to stay with you the whole time so they can't do anything?" I asked softly.

"Promise?" He asked.

"I promise." I smiled.

"Fine." He returned to his food, happily.

I winked at the other boys who looked at the brother like he was a two year old before turning to wipe Linus's mouth clean.

My attention turned back to everyone else when I heard his mom clear her throat.

"Derek. Aren't you gonna say anything?" She raised her eyebrows at him.

"Uh... Thanks for joining us?" He replied like it was a question.

She rolled her eyes. "Fine I'll say it for you." She said before turning to me. "You don't have the authority to make their appointments or anything motherly. You aren't their mother."

"Mom what the hell!?" Derek exclaimed, shooting up from his chair.

"She was overstepping and I was simply saying what you wouldn't." She shrugged.

Before Derek could say anything else to her, I stood up slowly and smiled at her.

"Not that this is any of your business, but the boys have already expressed their feelings about me and have told me they want me to be their mother. And I made them a promise I would treat them and love them as such." I replied softly.

"Well not to be rude but it is my business and you aren't their mother." She stood up and glared at me.

"Yes she is!" Linus yelled at her, earning shocked looks from everyone.

"Linus honey, I know your young and don't understand but she isn't your mommy."

"She is my mommy! She makes me happy and she loves me and she makes me cookies and she gives me cuddles! She makes daddy happy when you made him upset! She is my mommy and you can't take that from me!" He screamed with tears in his eyes, before running away down the hall.

I glared at Derek's mother. "Say what you want about me, hate me, do what you want. But you will never talk to him like that about me again." I gritted out to her.

I moved away from the table, before turning back to her. "It was lovely to meet you but I really hope I never meet you again until you apologize to Linus for making him cry." I stated.

"He's a child, he will be fine." She rolled her eyes.

Her dismissal of the feelings of my six year old son made me want to smash her head into a concrete wall.

"The only reason I have not lost my temper yet is because I love your son and I would never do that in front of our kids, but I want you out. Now." I said threw gritted teeth before following after Linus.

"How could you allow her to talk to me like that!?" She yelled, probably at Derek.

"She had every right to! How could you say that to Linus? How could you treat her like such trash? I thought you wanted me to be happy?" He yelled back.

"I wanted you to be happy with a nice girl from a nice family. Not with a girl who's pregnant with someone else's baby."

I mentally rolled my eyes at her.

"The baby is mine and despite how you feel, I am in love with her. So you can take your posh old fashioned way of thinking, and leave." Derek gritted.

I smiled to myself before continuing my way to Linus's room.

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