Did I Go Into The Future? (RIBB Shu) 🌹

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"Wake up, wake up."

I felt somebody shaking me. I slowly open my eyes to find a tiny toddler at my bedside.

I stare at her. She had messy pink hair and blue eyes. She was wearing pink unicorn pyjamas. "Who are you?" I ask sleepily.

She giggled. "Don't be silly, big bro," she said. "I'm Kirika, remember?"

I sat up in bed. I was very confused. "Wait a minute, where the heck am I?"

"At home?" asked Kirika. "You are supposed to help me get ready for preschool. Come on, or I will go without you."

This place was ridiculously unfamiliar. I also felt taller. I fumbled around trying to find a light switch. Finally, I found it. Then I saw myself in the mirror and screamed.

I have always looked older than my real age, but I looked like I was in my midteens or an adult! Had I gone to the future? What was happening?

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