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''class bow down to the teacher'' the class president said as they bowed to teacher 

the bell rang so their math teacher left 

yeo jeong woo was the number one student in the entire korea that he  even his face is pasted all over the school and he took photos with each of those posters  and this guy in class suddenly starts laughing and

stops then 

smiled at his noteook 

there was rose and an envolope with it 

''hah! hah! hah! the greastest of all time the best of all the time and the world wide handsome guy here got a love letter hah!hah!hah!''

yeojungwoo said with a mischievous smile 

he opened the envolope and read out loud enough for the whole class to hear 

''oppa~~ i have seen you not buying the sandae yesterday at lunch so i have bought some money please buy yourself something or else you will die of exhaustion from studying ~~~~''

yeojungwoo's lips curled up and took the money he found in the envelope he took the rose from his other hand kept it between his teeth and went to the cafeteria catwalking ..

eventhough he was walking as a dying peanut girls saw him as he was a greek god 

yeojungwoo is indeed quite popluar one in his school 

he get to skip the long luch line 

sits and eats with a bunch of people 

a teachers pet 

and a top scorer in the entire country 

he was indeed living the best life until...

that one dreaded day 

yeojungwoo POV

i was enjoying my study time when some of my friends disturbed me by saying that the other student who aced the mock test with me was transfering to this school 

the teacher entered the class room and I  was taking glances towards the teacher if this rumour is true or not while acting like iam immersd in my math equation 

then suddenly a girl with brown hair entered with a cold expression on her face 

she was carrying some books with her 

she was carrying some books with her 

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I leaned over to see those books 

''1000 practice questions for medical students ''

so she is also studying medical ..

i thought to myself 

but i didn't care much 

end of yeojungwoo's pov  

''intoduce your name dear'' the teacher said 

''hi iam nam han eul its nice to meet you ''

she kept looking at her stop watch 

it read 00:22

SHE looked at the teacher and asked where was her seat cutting the teacher off 

the teacher showed her the seat 

she imediatly ran to the seat and looked at her stopwatch 


she took out her earphones and her stationary and started studying as soon as the the stopwatch hit 00:00

her seat was in the next row of yeojungwoo 

junwoo sat at the 3rd bench 

where as han heul sat in the 2nd bench 

so jungwoo can notice everything that han neul does 

the next day 

jung woo looked at his watch with a lovely smile 

'' aah! its 7:00 '' 

jungwoo always come first so that he could study in some peace 

he wished the watchman good morning 

''oh you are a bit late today '' the watchman said smiling 

''me late what do you mean ?''jungwoo said frowing his eyebrows and his eyeballs out of his soket 

he ran to his classroom and found han eul studying there 

woah! this girl ... he thought to himself 

he cleares his throat to get some attention 

and enters the class room 

han eul takes a look at him and starts studying 

yeojung woo decided to talk to her a little 

''hey so you are one of the students who aced the mock test right?''



''don't you have common sense? why do you want all the attention?can't you see iam busy studying?'' han eul replied being annoyed  while cutting junwoo off 

''woah! you can't even say hi ? will your teeth decay if you greet me?''jungwoo said with is jaw on the floor 

han eul glanced at him from her book 

''your's will definitely decay if keep them open like that , now don't didturb me i don't wanna waste my time on you'' han eul said in a stern voice 

yeo jung woo looked at her deafeated and went back to his seat 

instead of studying he just glared at her 

after some time 

all the students entered and they were also suprised to see han eul come so early they as they were used to seeing jungwoo first .

the teacher entered as the students bowed to him 

It was math period 

the teacher was wirting the question on the board which han eul and jungwoo already solved 

the teacher already knows jungwoo is the best student of all so he asked han eul to solve it 

han eul went ahead while grinning at jungwoo and solved the question 

''done sem '' she said happily 

''the answer is 54 '' 

but someonelse shouted 


the teacher and han eul was suprised as they both knew it is the correct answer 

jungwoo stood up from his seat smirking flipped his imaginary hair towards han eul shoved her aside with left hand as she was blocking the board took the chalk from the table 

''its 54cm*2 '' 

''we are 12 grade students who can't make any silly mistakes '' he said while blinking his eyes and in sarcasm he looked at han eul and again flipped his imaginary hair AND went  duckwalking towards his seat 


please ignore if there are any gramatical mistakes 

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