In a hesitating manner, my thumb hovers over the FaceTime button. I actually didn't think Jenna would want to but I'm not exactly complaining. It's just first time call jitters, I'm actually really nervous. I spent about an hour before asking her — just in case she'd say yes — getting ready. I'm wearing some comfy and casual clothes since I'm just chilling at home alone, but I also wanted to look presentable and nice for Jenna. This girl has managed to capture my heart in only a couple of weeks.

I was wearing an oversized shirt with Ghostface on it, great sweats and white Nike socks. My hair was up in a cute yet messy bun, my glasses perched perfectly on the bridge of my nose. I set my phone down on my desk, sitting in my chair, I adjusted myself in a more comfortable position — which was hugging one knee to my chest while the other crosses under me. My arms resting on the arm rests of the chair.

With enough courage, I finally hit the button, the dialing sound made me flinch a little. It only heightened my nerves. It took around 30 seconds before the call was answered. At first all I saw was someone's baggy Nirvana shirt until it was lifted up, I saw Jenna — looking more beautiful then ever — her tongue slightly sticking out in concentration as she propped her phone up perfectly in the right angle. She glanced down ah the cameras seeing me, a bright smile formed on her face. God her smile is so beautiful.

"Hey." She greeted first, waving her hand slightly, causing me to laugh. I didn't miss the way her smile widened after that.

"Hi." I mumbled shyly, biting my lower lip to contain my wide smile — which Jenna had no shame in hiding. I could hear her siblings arguing a little in the background, her eyes rolled instinctively with an annoyed groan.

I giggled as I watched her shut her door, returning back to the camera with a smile still presented on her lips. "Sometimes my siblings can be really annoying. I love 'em, but they can be little shits." I laughed at her joke, making her smile and let out a chuckle herself.

"I can understand that." We talked for a while, the awkward tension finally eased down, I felt a lot more comfortable with her. We talked about a lot of things; some of our interests, our favorite songs, our dreams. Jenna even started playing some of my favorite songs after a little while.

With Someone Like You by Adele playing in the background, I watched as Jenna focused hard on the thing she was doing in her notebook, her tongue slightly sticking out. Her hand moved elegantly along the paper, it looked like she was drawing. It didn't take a genius to figure out what — considering she kept stealing glances up at me before quickly looking back down at her book — drawing every feature of my face.

"Hey Jenna?" She hummed in response to my question. I tilted me head, smiling as I secretly admired her. "What's it like living in California?"

Jenna glanced up at me in thought. "Kinda shitty." She blunted and her reply made me laugh. She chuckled a bit too. "I'm serious. The weather sucks here, it's hell during the summer. Especially in places like Los Angeles or Bakersfield. But... it's where Hollywood is, supposedly where dreams are made of. Where people make it on the big screen." She continued to speak as she maneuvered her eyes back down to her page. "But it's cool sometimes, wish we go more rain though." She joked. "We're practically in a drought here."

"I've heard. Or more like, I've read." I giggled alongside her. "Can I see what you're drawing?" I could see what Jenna hesitate for a moment before setting her pencil down, flipping the book around to show me.. well... me. I look better on a piece of paper than in real life. Jesus. "Oh my god... Jenna this is amazing." I spoke in shock.

She hid behind her book in shyness. "You think so?"

"I know so." I reassured her in a firm tone.

Jenna smiled warmly at me, a light pink color tinted her cheeks as she set her book down, collapsing back against her bed. She rolled over on her side, setting the phone down while I got a view of her lying down — ready for bed.

"I thought this would be awkward but I had the best time calling you, babe." Jenna mumbled tiredly. She let out a yawn while I smiled, feeling my heart flutter in my chest. "Goodnight, princess..."

As she trailed off, I couldn't help but admire her. "Night, Jen."

When We Meet | Jenna OrtegaWhere stories live. Discover now