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Tilly trotted down the stairs noise poised in the air like she ha d smelt a rotting pig sty. I ran slightly in an attempt to keep up with her in her rush to remove me from the apartments. The body guard followed along in front carting along my travel suitcase.

"Tilly?" I asked, skipping up along side her, "what's your job?"

"I am the boy official over all personal assistant they each have little ditsy P.A.s but I am in charge."

She seem overly proud of her position, I'm sure she would have had to crush a lot of people to get to her job.

"Cool," I sighed as we entered the busy Foyer. The body guard effortlessly moved paparazzi out of the way. I followed him keeping tight to his tail as she cleared a path to the glass double doors.

A limo was parked outside, black and sleek it glinted in the morning sun. The body guard placed my luggage inside and Tilly and I climbed in. The body guard took the front seat with the driver.

It smelt like chocolate and strawberries, the seats were so soft you could feel yourself sinking in like a fluffy marshmallow. I closed my eyes and sat back in my seat.

"Lily," Tilly started, obviously getting my name from a form, "would you like a drink?" She said pouring herself a golden syrupy glass full.

"No thanks," I smiled.

I felt sick.

I had fainted before, in my apartment.

I was sure it would happen again.

I was also worried the boys wouldn't appreciate my company.

"Right, we have two hours before the boys are meeting at nandos so we will get your hair and makeup and then we'll get the stylist to fix you a look."

I nodded.

"Unfortunately," she tutted, "Suzan and Philip will not be expecting you, it'll be a good suprize," she smiled again, "I just booked an emergency appointment. Say Tilly sent you and you'll be fine,"

The car pulled up outside a darkened sky scraper. A door was opened for me, I left my bag with the limo and was lead into the building. Then left alone, "see you in two hours," Tilly cried sarcastically, waving goodbye.

Fine marble flooring and delicately crafted furniture cast in black velvet coated the scene. Walking up to the receptionist counter a wrinkled old woman with black lip stick glared down at me.

"Um, I have an emergency apointment, Tilly sent-"

I was interrupted my a feminine screech.

"Oh she told me its was a challenge but I didn't expect this!"

A white and pink haired man, clicked over to me in black shimmery heels.

He held y shoulders look me up and down with his tongue sticking slightly out of his mouth.

"Mmm, mmm, mmm, darling when did you last attend to your eye brows.

He clapped his hands twice.


She came running from the same black door as the man had entered. She was thin and sanity with long blue hair. She measured me and then takin me by the wrist the two lead me into the darkness behind the black door.

The sort-of-but-not-really-a-fanfic of One DirectionWhere stories live. Discover now