15-A want or A need?

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Amidst the bustling atmosphere of their shared space, Jennie, adorned in a sophisticated ensemble reminiscent of a seasoned educator, subtly advanced towards Jisoo with her hands gracefully folded behind her back. Her posture exuded the air of a meticulous observer, much like a dedicated instructor assessing the progress of her pupils. Jisoo, preoccupied by a private exchange via electronic communication, cast a fleeting glance at Jennie before returning her focus to the screen, displaying an indifferent demeanor despite the hint of amusement tugging at the corners of her lips.

With a playful smirk etched onto her features, Jennie posited the question, "Don't you think you're extra happy today?" The query was accompanied by a lighthearted tone, intended to draw out Jisoo's confession regarding the source of her recent cheerfulness.

"Don't you think you're extra happy today?! Tell me who's that lucky guy"

 However, Jisoo responded with hesitance "Huh?! Me smiling that's not true..." , refusing to acknowledge any such sentiment. In response to her apparent discomfort, Jennie observed Jisoo's physical cues – the slight trembling of her fingers and the emergence of perspiration upon her brow – indicative of a potential lie. This observation prompted a soft chuckle from Jennie, who found herself captivated by the spectacle unfolding before her eyes.

As the conversation continued, Jennie recalled the information gleaned from eavesdropping on a previous night's interaction involving Jisoo and a Eunwoo in the bus.

"Then I guess you know Sae-ra I heard her talking about this one guy named Eunwoo in some other major there are many fan girls as i think he's now a new heartthrob" She  purposely mentioned the name Eunwoo, a figure gaining popularity amongst female admirers across various universities, and suggested that Jisoo might harbor feelings for him. Jennie's words were delivered with a sense of intrigue, reflecting her curiosity and desire to assist Jisoo in navigating the complexities of romantic relationships.

"'Men should be the one ruininh your lipstick not your mascara,' Although I see affection for unnie in Taehyung's eyes, but somehow it feels as if everything is standing in their way and it's not their time, " jennie thou

Prior to this encounter, Jennie had been privy to a subtle shift in Jisoo's behavior, which led her to suspect that there may exist a connection between Jisoo and  Taehyung. She had witnessed their long eye contacts those meaningful smiles and how she never forgot to mention him in the long pep talks she gave to jennie for jennie when she needed advice, despite Jisoo's reticence to share details of her personal life, Jennie possessed sufficient insight into her friend's character to discern that something was indeed brewing beneath the surface, she knew they were in a situationship. With a deep understanding of Jisoo's nature, Jennie believed that if fate dictated that Taehyung was meant to be with Jisoo, they would ultimately find their way to each other; however, until then, Jennie resolved to serve as a supportive ally, helping Jisoo navigate through the trials and tribulations of romance.

She will cupid if she is obliged to, but as of now she wanted to get a reaction out of jisoo to confirm whether she had anything for Eunwoo, But she saw Jisoo unbothered by the mention of his name rather a small smile which is always there,

"Well, he is my childhood friend Eunwoo, I have mentioned him couple of times to you, tu as oublié (you forgot in french)" Jisoo spoke french when she was casually speaking so jennie was still in doubt as jisoo could be a good liar or good at concealing her feelings, but jennie is a good observer and she will investigate to the depths of this matter.

"totalement pas, je me souviens(Totally not, I remember)" Jennie replied simply, shrugging everything away for a while, as she started thinking about how awkwardly her and kai had a one night stand the party at jisoo and they were friends and now it was awkward.



 a young man grappling with the shadows of his past while navigating the labyrinthine world of emotions alongside Jisoo, a compassionate soul who remains blissfully unaware of Taehyung's tumultuous history.Taehyung, dressed in somber attire befitting his melancholic state, sat alone in a dimly lit café, contemplating the enigma of human connections. His gaze drifted aimlessly around the room, occasionally fixating on couples engaged in intimate conversations, only to quickly divert his attention elsewhere. A faint trace of bitterness colored his thoughts, as memories of his late father and betrayed affections resurfaced.

Jisoo's gentle prodding compelled Taehyung to divulge fragments of his inner torment. He spoke of the pain he still carried within him, the fear of losing those closest to him, and the belief that opening himself up to others would inevitably lead to more suffering. Taehyung admitted that he yearned for companionship, but the thought of experiencing further disappointment left him feeling hopeless and despondent.In an attempt to understand Taehyung better, Jisoo probed deeper into his psyche, 

I wish I could fight the demons of my past, I hurt someone again...

the roots of Taehyung's fears, examining the ways in which his traumatic experiences shaped his present perceptions. Through this introspection, Taehyung began to realize that his apprehension stemmed less from inherent flaws than from the wounds of his past.Despite these revelations, Taehyung remained uncertain about taking risks in pursuit of genuine intimacy. He feared that the very qualities that made him unique – his resilience, strength, and independence – could also hinder him from forming meaningful bonds. Nevertheless, Jisoo's patience and empathy provided Taehyung with the courage to continue exploring the possibilities of love, knowing full well that healing takes time and requires honest self-reflection.

 Taehyung wrestled with the paradoxical notion that embracing vulnerability could potentially result in greater losses, while simultaneously recognizing its necessity for fostering authentic connections. It became clear that Taehyung's path toward recovery and growth required him to reconcile his past trauma with the promise of future joy, all the while remaining mindful of the lessons learned along the way.


Nevertheless To be continued ~~

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