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Days after days both V and jimin started gaining trust of jennie , which is quite easy than kyomi ones........

And jennie was already impressed by their fighting skills and business strategies.........

Kyomi make jennie incharge of these two and sometimes send them together on missions........

Soon enough V , jimin and jennie became a very good friends and they trust each other completely.......

Soon enough V , jimin and jennie became a very good friends and they trust each other completely

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One day jennie and jimin got captured by a mafia gang and then......

Jimin : "OH GOD!! I literally spend half of my life getting kidnapped!!!"
*jimin says by getting trustfrated*

Jennie : "what!?!?You got kidnapped before also??"
*jennie asked in confusing look*

Jimin : "Ofcourse! In my childhood dreams I always got kidnapped by evil monsters......They are so scary!!"
*jimin try to cover it up*

Jennie : "HAHAHA you're still afraid of monsters HAHAH aww you're such a cute little baby HAHAHA"
*Jennie said while laughing*

Jimin : "Yah! It's not my fault that they are scary and I am not a little baby hmph!"
*Jimin said while pouting angrily*

Jennie : "hahahahaha"
*jennie continues laughing*

After sometimes......

Jennie told jimin a plan to escape from here......

Jimin : "Do you think we can do this while being tied in a rope"
*jimin said while making a done face*

Jennie : "It'll take a miracle and even then-probably not"
*Jennie exclaimed*

Jimin : "Sitting around waiting to die by the hands of that old man*says while poiting at one of those guards*This is the best day ever."
Jimin said sarcastically.....

After sometime......

Jimin : "Whats taking that idiot sooo long!"

Jennie : "Maybe he was again goes to that strawberry shop to argue with that shopkeeper hahaha"

Jimin : "You're right! You remembered how he got angry when that shopkeeper throws that ugly strawberry in the bin and he goes to argue with him for throwing that strawberry hahaha"

Jennie : "Yeah hahahaha"

*They both were laughing their hearts out without caring that there are 20 guards with fully loaded guns surrounding them and a mafia is sitting infront of them.......*


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