Her face

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Here kyomi working on her files.....

Here kyomi working on her files

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Suddenly jennie came excitedly......

Jennie : "Kyomi! I am getting bored with all these works......let's go somewhere to get fresh air please"
*She said while showing her puppy eyes*

Kyomi : "Aish not these eyes again.....okay fine.....where you want to go?"
*She said while accepting her defeat*

Jennie : "Let's go to that beautiful blossom lake!"

Kyomi : "okay...."

Jennie : "k-kyomi I-i w-want t-to t-take V-v a-and j-jimin w-with u-us a-also......"
*She stuttered while fear was visible in her eyes*

*After hearing her kyomi looked at her with those dark scary eyes*

*Jennie looked down in fear not wanting to look at her*

*Suddenly kyomi's gaze softened seeing her state*

Kyomi : "You want to take them then you can"
*She said softly yet firmly to her*

Jennie : "REALLY!!! Thank you kyomi-ah you're the best!"
*She said while hugging her tightly with happiness*

Kyomi : "Y-yah j-jennie I can't b-breath!"
*she said while struggling in jennie's grips*

Jennie : "okay okay!"
*She laughed while releasing her*

At the park :

Jimin : "Woah! It's so awesome jennie! I will visit this park frequently! Look at flowers! Amazing! Truly a dream place!!"*jimin said while jumping around like a five year old*

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Jimin : "Woah! It's so awesome jennie! I will visit this park frequently! Look at flowers! Amazing! Truly a dream place!!"
*jimin said while jumping around like a five year old*

Jennie : "Yeah I know! Me and kyo- I mean queen always visit here when we got time! It's my dream place!
*Jennie said while roaming around*

Jimin : "What kind of people do you have jennie....?"
*He asked out of the blue*

"People like me don't have people.We are the people that people have...."
*Jennie said looking at the beautiful lake while jimin was staring at jennie with a reading look*

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