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Day by day V and queen are getting along with each other........

She don't want him to get close to her but he always find his ways........

"Just go away V don't you have any other work to do?"

"My work start with you and ends with you my queen"

"If I doesn't promised jennie to not do anything to both of you......I swear to god I'd kill you the day you started these cheesy lines on me....."

"I bet without promise you still doesn't kill could you kill such a handsome face?"

"With my knife....."

"Sei un idiota."
(You are an idiot)
*queen says knowing he don't understand a single word*

"Solo perché parli in italiano, non significa che io non sappia quando mi stai maledicendo."
(Just because you are speaking in italian, doesn't mean that I don't know when you are cursing me out.)
*V says arrogantly with a glare*

"You are pretty impressive."
*Queen says while putting on makeup while V just blushed by her compliment*

"Oh queen you are looking so pretty.....please apply some eyeliner also...."

"No.....I don't like it....."

"Please queen....otherwise I will put it on you"

"Shut up!"
*She says.*

"Make me...."
*He smirks*

*She leans up close , her breath feathering across his face*

*Then she smacks his head with that eyeliner and pushes him on the ground*

"Don't you think you are getting too spoiled by jennie's caring nature?"
*She complained*

"Says the one who is already spoiled!"
*He mumbled*

"Did you say something?"

"A-ah no! Why would I say something infront of this mesmerizing beauty...Atleast teach me how you apply eyeliner so I can apply it on my future wife."

"Ok....but don't regret it later...."

"I don't regret anything!"

"I don't regret anything!"

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"Guess what.....never mind I regret it......"

"Haha...told you...."

"Woah you should laugh more....I-its suits you...."

"Aish! Again starts with your flirting!"

"It's only limited for you my sweetheart....."

The feeling that is making it's way to grow between them.......

That beautiful feeling that they are afraid to make it feel again......

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