Found you

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V pov :

I was inside a very dense forest to track her........

I secretly hide a very small tracker in her gun few months ago........

In order to keep track on her every activities.....Didn't thought that I'll be using it to find her now.........

My bad luck! That tracker doesn't even work properly.......

It was really roaming me around another countries for past months that's why I doesn't trust it........

But now I got a strange signal from this forest that was near busan.......

This forest is very dense so, it's really dangerous here but I don't know why my hearts keep telling that she is here for real..........

Ugh!!! I DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO ME BUT I WANT TO SEE HER.....without her presence her mafia gang was very weak, I can destroy them in seconds......but I don't want to.....I always win fair fight, so when she will be here then I will destroy them.........

In search of her I literally cross half of the forest area....I nearly thought to just go back in my comfortable mansion than in this dreadful jungle............But this stupid heart just want me to go on........

Why this is happening to me.......What she had done to me.......I am the most fearful mafia king but now I have the fear to lose her........

To be honest by my heart......I miss her......I miss her so badly........

*I shouted only listen to the deep silence of the jungle*

It's already past midnight, maybe I should sleep now.....Otherwise I won't be able to fight with whoever kidnapped her.......

*Saying that I drifted in my dreamland*

Kyomi's pov:

It's been several months now......everyday I pray that I could get out of here in any possible way but it's of no use..........

I tried many times but everytime they caught me and now they even installed electric bars on windows and doorways that cause high voltage electric shock if I tried to touch any of it.........

Never thought I would become that helpless in my life again.........

Slowly my vision becomes blurry and I fainted.........

After 2 hours :

I've been hearing some noises from outside........

I grab myself near the wall to hear more clearly.......

It's sound like someone fighting.....maybe those guards fighting with each other......What can I expect from drunk dumbos......

After a minute, I saw the light that shows the indication of electricity of those bars got off......

I quickly stood up with my trembling legs still tied with that metal chain......

It's my time to run away but due to my weakness and these chains, I can't even reach the bars.......

Suddenly my legs automatically bent which cause me to again fall on that cold hard concrete ground.......

My vision again becomes so blurry.......

Only thing I saw was a guy approaching me........

Before I could see his face, I knocked out...........

Jennie's pov :

Here I am trying every possible way to find them with the help of jimin......

They both disappeared so suddenly.........

First kyomi.......

Then V.........

Jimin informed me that one of the guards told that he receive a signal of V from a forest near busan........

We both are heading towards that forest with all of our mens.........

Jimin literally helped me a lot in these days........

He is living with me because of the last time........

Last time I tried to cut my wrist but jimin came and he save me..........

What's living without my kyomi?.........

Death is less painful than being separated with her......

She always tease me with her childful acts......

Maybe she was the ruthless mafia infront of world but to me she is just a child......a child that wants nothing but love and care.........

She was cold towards everyone but she is so much warm from the inside......

Noone got to know her well and maybe that is the thing she wants but I know her since teenage days when we met accidentally but somehow became bestfriends forever.........

Now jimin become so much protective towards me after my suicide attempt.........

I am so grateful to have a friend like them........

Now we are about to reach that forest which that guard told about........

I really hope we find both of them safe and sound.........

Jimin pov :

We are heading towards busan...........

I always thought queen doesn't like us or something......

But now my opinion changed completely about her......

It's like what she shows is just a plastic covering......

She's complete different person from inside.......

She always talked to us strictly but sometimes she just came off from her character........

She unintentionally shows her soft and caring side also.......

I remembered when I got badly injured in my right arm.........

She literally gave me holiday for about 1 month! It was not even that big injury though......

She always calls me to check my health.......

She's really kind but I don't know why she's so afraid to show it...........

I know taehyung said to destroy her and her gang but now I don't want it to happen..........

She don't deserve this........

Jennie also don't deserve this........

They both trusted us and we are gonna betray them for nothing.......

This is not us, that's not my type unless they make their first move then I don't even hesitate to put a bullet inside their head......but....for now I don't want to betray them......

When we find both tae and queen....I'm gonna clear everything........

After soo long I got a family that contains every person I love , trust and adore........

I don't want to break it....I never let that happen.....Never.......

I only pray to god wherever they are please keep them safe.........


Let's see what future holds for them......

What do you think who saved kyomi?

Was it V or someone else?

The mission will got destroyed due to their family thing or it will take more worse turn?



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