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V's pov :

*As I was going out of the building. I saw queen searching for something desperately in her cabin. I decided to peek a little and saw her grabbing some guns , knifes even bombs after that grabbed her car keys that was placed on the desk and rushed outside.*

"Hey queen where are you going?"
*I said while grabbing her attention*

"None of your business......"
*She replied rudely but I am used to it*

"If you're going for a mission then take me with you"
*I protest while coming infront of her car*

"V it's not time to crack jokes leave and let me go"
*She said while starting her car engine*

"And what if I don't......"
*I challenged*

"Then don't blame me for the consequences"
*She said while smirking under her mask*

*Before I could process anything she started her car and drive in full speed towards me..........*

*Ok I apologize to god for challenging this demon.......*

*I closed my eyes in fear ready to hit by that devil's monster car*

*I wanted to do so many things in life before dieing but looks like god is not with me........I remember all my sins and apologize in my mind to every person even that cruel shopkeeper who throws that little strawberry.*

*I don't feel any pain....maybe I dead due to heart attack and directly land on heaven Atleast she didn't killed me otherwise it would hurt my pride.....who will believe that a mafia king died due to a girl*

*I slightly open my eyes to meet satan*

*Before I could meet heaven or hell. I saw queen stopped her brakes right 1 cm away from my trembling body*

*Her brakes stopped as well as my heart*

"I told you, Now go away!!!"
*Queen said while looking straight in my eyes*

*I said standing still infront of her*

"Ugh! Fine......"
*She sighs.....She really in a hurry otherwise she will definitely killed me with her sharp knife that was attached in her waist belt*

*I quickly sit inside before she change her decision*

*She again started her engine and we drove away from the building*

*Few minutes later.....*

"So queen where are we going?"
*I said while trying to light up situation a little bit*

*She ignored my question still focusing on the road*

*I again ask trying my best to keep calm but no response*

*This lady is testing my patience now and it's enough how dare she ignore my question and my handsome face*

"Are you deaf or what can't you hear my question!?!?"
*I accidentally shouted at her.....and this was the moment I knew I ducked up.........*

*She immediately presses brakes resulting me to fly directly to the front window and my face got attached to the glass like a sticky frog*

*I thought she will kill me with her guns , knifes or maybe bombs but most dangerous thing she has right now was her killer eyes that could torn you apart*

*I slowly looked at her preparing myself to meet her demonic eyes but to my suprise she was looking calm not angry like a wild cat as I expected*

"Open the door"
*She ordered calmly*

*I got confused*

"Open the car door mr. V"
*She said politely*

*I couldn't understand her sudden polite nature but decided to do as she say......*

*Just as I opened the car door and look outside that we reach the destination or not. A hard kick hit landed on my back resulting me to fall on that hard concrete road*

*And that kick was belong to none other than that demon who just smirked while seeing my state*

"Now come and sit back down"
*She ordered while starting her car*

"What! You can't just kick me out of the freaking car and order me! I am not your puppet or something"
*I rolled my eyes*

"I said sit"
*She said again but in more dominant voice while pressing steering wheels harder and harder*

"I sat"
*I immediately sat on passenger seat while closing the door trying to forget what just happened to me a while ago*

*No one's gonna believe a dangerous ruthless mafia king got kicked out of a car by someone*

*3 hours later*

"We reached"
*I woke up by queen's voice*

"Finally! But wait........"
*I said while examining the place*

"Isn't it the place jimin come for a mission.....where is he? I want to see him....It's literally been 8 hours since I last saw him"
*I said while walking around only to find guards head down and dead bodies laying here and there*

*I looked at queen with questioning expression but she just ignored me and goes inside that large room*

*I was getting anxious like something bad was about to happen.......*

*Where ever I look, I only find dead bodies and our extremely injured mans*

*It's confirmed that no one is alive from our enemy's side*

*I was proud of jimin that he again completed his mission with his great abilities*

*I want to congratulate him and take him to his favourite amusement park as a gift because his birthday was very near and due to our hectic schedule I can't spend much time with him so, I wanted to give him a surprise but before I could , I got this mission which was later taken by jimin.*

*By thinking all of this I reached inside the large room along with queen*

*As I enter I saw around 50 bodies laying on the floor lifeless by taking a closer look I recognize some of them are our guard's while some are from rival group and their king was also dead along with them*

*I followed queen who was searching something or I can say trying to find something or someone, I started looking for jimin while following her Suddenly I got bumped by her back*

*I rubbed my forehead while walking infront of her to scold her but as I reach infront of her. I saw her face..........That face which usually tries to terrify me was now terrified........her eyes were moist and her hands were shaking. This is the first time I saw her being that much vulnerable and helpless.*

*I try to calm her down by touching her shoulder but before I could she raised her shaking index finger forward trying to make me look on something which was behind me*

*As I followed the direction where her finger was pointed to. And I saw which turned my whole world upside down.............*

*I saw the scene I never wanted to see in my entire life or even in my death*

*The nightmare which I was most scared of......The scene I never want to happen in my any life........ *

*Again those rumours of me being cursed came alive in my mind by seeing the scene right infront of me*

*The only thing that came in my mind at that time was.........*

Am I really a curse to the one I love the most.......?

Author Note :

What was the scene V saw ?

Did he saw jimin doing lachimolala dance ?

Or much worse...........

SuSpEnCe Is EvErYwHeRe.....


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