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By gathering all my courage I go near to the dead body of the one I love and cherish the most. He was with me in my darkest days. He even comfort me when I have nightmares. He was the only one I have in this world and now he is also gone........gone forever.............

My trembling hands touched his face which has brutal cuts on it that it is almost unrecognizable. His whole body was covered with injuries and scratches. Noone can even recognize him due to deep injuries those bastards gave him. He was unrecognisable. I barely recognized him by the chain I gifted him on his last birthday......he always wears that wherever he go.........Never in my entire life I thought the person who always tease me, never leave my side was gonna separate from me like that.........He always ahead of me from everything.......even death............

His face and body was all covered with blood. I never let anyone even touch him and now......I can't even protect him.....I lost him..........forever...........

Author pov:

Queen touched taehyung shoulders to calm him down.........

But there was no response..........

She looked in his eyes....only pain that noone can understand better than her......guiltness of not being able to protect his one and only friend whom he treat as a brother........

She hugged him softly only to hear a loud painful scream escaped from his mouth.....


he broke down in tears with immense pain.......The pain that was
undefinable...........Those sobs were loud enough for the whole world to know his misery........Those tears were capable of drowning a whole nation entirely............

At that time he was neither a mafia king......nor a strong and cold hearted he used to show the world.......He just a boy who lost everything he had.........he lost his parents....his love......and now his precious friend also........He is destroyed completely........It took only one second to ruin everything he had.............

"V-v c-calm d-down....."
*This is all she can say to him at that time........*

*Suddenly she realized the loud sobs....the tears that wet her shoulders were stopped......she try to pull out the hug but it was not possible then she realized............V fainted in her warm embrace..........*

*She quickly order guards to prepare for funeral and send jimin's body to investigation. The guards followed her command and left from there. She made V stand up from all her strength and take him to the hospital*

*At hospital*

Jennie : "H-how was he ? I-Is he f-fine?"
*Jennie came towards queen while panting heavily her breaths were uneven making it obvious that she ran all way*

*Queen just nodded in response with no expression imply on it......*

Jennie : "Jimin was a very great fighter and a competitor. It's not an easy task for anyone to kill him. We will always remember him, he still stays in our heart."
*Jennie said while touching her heart*

*The atmosphere was too thick due to the sadness and tension between them, it's almost suffocating them*

Jennie : "V was very close to jimin. Jimin told they were together since childhood. He must be extremely exhausted due to this."
*Jennie said trying to make queen talk a little*

*But queen again just nodded in response*

Jennie : "What happen to you? You were never like this before. We see alot of our loyal members death but you never have such kind of emotions.........A-are y-you o-okay?"

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