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At night........


👤: "Yeah boss, I will not leave a single trace.....He is in deep slumber so it's easy for me to kill him.....How pathetic!"
*He smirked while looking at V's sleeping figure*

*He goes near to him while spinning sharp injection between his fingers*

*But little did he knew that the person he was going to murder was not normal but a skilled mafia itself*

*V dodged his attack and pointed a gun at his head*

"You really thought it will be that easy for you to kill me....hahaha"
*V faked laugh still pointing his gun on that man's head*

"You are smart more than I expected......Mr. kim Taehyung"
*That man smirked while looking at V's shocked face*

"How do you know my name!?!?!"
*V said getting ready to shoot him on spot*

"I know more than you thought kim taehyung.......But don't worry I won't tell anyone about your lame secret identity........"
*Said the guy secretly grabbing something from his pocket*

"What do you want? Whom do you work for?"
*V said unnoticed by his actions*

"Whoever I work for is non of your business and I want nothing but see the death of your closed ones and that includes her also......"
*He said his last words while dropping a smoke bomb on the ground.....Soon he disappeared with that white smoke leaving V curious and dumbfounded*

"Aish! Darn it! I have to find him as soon as possible!!!"
*V said while collapsing on the bed*

It's been 1 week since the incident.........

V got discharge from the hospital that night and came back home........

The news of jimin's death spread like wildfire between both gangs...........

Jennie and jungkook start finding the real killer of jimin meanwhile V and queen increased their security level to it's maximum..........

"Sir are you sure to provide queen with security ?"
*Guard said to the tall man standing infront of him*

"Just do as I say."
*V says while giving death glare to the guard*

"O-ok s-sir"
*Guards said before leaving the place*

"I already lost him now I can't bear to loss her too.......I don't know why I feel like I know her from very long but still she is unknown to me.......I never get attached to anyone but she is an exception............Jimin wanted to tell me something that day......He said he will tell me when he came back from the mission......But He never came...................."
*V said still lost in thoughts of his friend whom he treat as a real brother*


"Mam are you sure you want to increase security of V sir as well?"
*Guard said while looking at his feet in fear*

"Yeah, any problem?"
*Queen said while raising an eyebrow*

"N-no mam, it's just you wanted security around jennie mam is understandable but V sir is not even that much close to u-"
*He got cut off by her deadly glare that hold the power to pierce his whole body*

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