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"She is the sweetest kind of evil you'll ever meet."

Jennie's pov :

*I woke up with the sound of my alarm clock....Gosh! I will break this dumbest thing human's have ever made.....*

*I was still in bed covered with my warm blanket then I realised something............*

*I shouted with top of my lungs.....*

*Suddenly jungkook barged into my room.....He is holding a table lamp in his hand....*

*He started looking around my room carefully and after knowing there was noone he finally looked at me......*

"Why are you shouting at 4 in the morning?"
*He said while putting that table lamp on my desk*

"Did I shout that much??"
*I said while laughing nervously*

"You just didn't, you literally screamed with that much high frequency that I thought some intruder is in our house"
*He said while sulking*

"Hey! I didn't mean that...I just got excited!"
*I said while looking at jungkook*

"For what?"
*He said while making done face*

"Today is Queen's birthday!!!!"
*I said excitedly*

"Oh ok..wait....WHAT!?!? TODAY IS QUEEN'S BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!"
*He shouted more than me and I just covered my ears*

*Suddenly we saw V barged in our room while holding a slipper in his one hand and a kitchen knife in his other hand!?!?*

*He said while moving his knife everywhere , I started laughing and jungkook just stand there making are you serious bro face...*

"T-there is no d-demonic entity in our house V hahaha!"
*I said controlling my laugh*

"But I hear shouting that sounds like someone released a devil from hell!?!?"
*He said while getting confused and I again burst into laughter*

"That was me, I shouted...."
*Jungkook said while looking at me and then V*

"Ooh that's why it sounded like demon...."
*V said while nodding*

*Before jungkook could say something V cut him off*

"So why are you shouting that much!?!?"
*He questioned*

"Actually today is Queen's birthday"
*I said after completing my laughing contest*

*Before V could say something jungkook shut him by putting his hand on V's mouth to avoid a shouting arena*

*Then we saw queen enters in our room and I am not even surprised because the level of high frequency screaming we did was able to attract the people of other countries , she is just next to our room*

"Why are you all shouting?"
*She said still in half sleep*

"Oh nothing...."
*I shush all of them and they nodded in understanding*

"Then why are you all shouted that much , you all just ruined my precious sleep.."
*She said while raising an eyebrow*

"O-oh I-it's just jennie saw a cockroach!"
*V said and I nodded but then I realised he said my name!!! I want to kill this alien but for now I will postpone this idea*

"Woah I would be shocked if jennie didn't screamed after seeing cockroach"
*kyomi said while walking away done with our bullshits*

*After she's gone.....*

"Phew! That was close.....and how dare you mr. V!!!"
*I said while throwing a pillow on his face*

"Ouch! Nini sorry na!"
*He said while hiding behind jungkook*

"Guys.....guys....relax first let's plan for her birthday!!!"
*Jungkook said while diverting our attentions*

"You are right....She will remember this birthday forever..."
*Me and V said in unison*

?'s POV:

"Today is her birthday......I am also gonna gift her something special......very special.........."
*He said while vaping*

"She will never forget the present I am gonna give her........"

At office :

*Kyomi doesn't know that it's her birthday so she directly goes to her office for some important meetings........*

*She doesn't realized that it's her birthday until.....*

Mr. Kang : "Happy birthday queen!"
*He said while handling her a big flower's bouquet*

Queen : "It's not my birthday."
*She said confidently*

Mr. Kang : "It's definitely your birthday"
*He said still handling the bouquet*

Queen : "Give me a calendar. It's not and I will prove it to-oh. Never mind. Happy birthday to me."
*She said finally accepting the bouquet which mr. Kang was holding for long time*

*All the employees present in the office wished her and give blessings to her. She maybe a devil to others but for them she is the only one who cares for them.......*

*Kyomi was a little happy while accepting all the love of her employees but still she is waiting for those dumb heads. She may not act like she care but she is the one who cares for them the most*

*It's been evening but there was no sign of jennie , V and jungkook . Kyomi tried to call them but they were not answering.....Something is wrong....definitely wrong....she can sensed that.......*

*Without wasting any time she directly goes to their mansion only to find noone except silence......*

*She is getting anxious....There was no sign of them......she start searching all the place that could possibly lead her to them but she find nothing.....she was trying very hard to deny all the thoughts she's been having but it was only growing stronger and stronger......*

*While driving she received a text by an unknown number. Usually she doesn't reply or even saw any text but this time her conscience wants her to see it.....*

*She opened the message and it says............*

"If you wanna see them alive, then come to this place otherwise you will lose them forever just like you lost your first love......."

*She got froze for a second....she doesn't know what was more terrifying that the person kidnapped her friends or how did he knew about her first love.......*

*This was definitely the worst thing she could've ever imagined on her birthday*

Author note :

What do you think about this chapter?

Who do you think kidnapped her friends?

Did she's really gonna save them or she's gonna trap in this maze forever?

SuSpEnCe EvErYwHeRe......


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