Tears, Salt, Water

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I just couldn't go offline for a week after promising a double update yesterday so to take that of my shoulder and to finally get inner peace here's a new part

"I always like walking in the rain,
So no one can see me crying "

"I always like walking in the rain,So no one can see me crying "

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he soft rhythm of raindrops tapping against the windowpane was a familiar lullaby, a soothing melody that beckoned them into its embrace. It was on days like these, when the sky wept tears of sorrow, that they found solace in the anonymity of the downpour.

Stepping out into the misty veil of rain, they feel a sense of liberation wash over them, as if the burdens of the world were lifted with each droplet that kissed their skin.The streets were deserted, save for the occasional passerby who hurried along with umbrellas held aloft like shields against the storm. Their faces obscured by hoods and scarves, they moved with purpose, oblivious to the tumultuous tempest raging within the depressed soul.

And they, too, moved with a sense of purpose, though their destination was nowhere in particular unlike the other passerby's. For in the midst of the downpour, they sought refuge in the anonymity of the rain, a veil of tears to cloak their own.
As they walked, the weight of their sorrow hung heavy upon their shoulders, a burden too heavy to bear alone.

Memories, like specters, haunted the recesses of their mind, each one a reminder of the pain that gnawed at the edges of their consciousness. They tried to push them away, to banish them to the depths of oblivion, but they clung onto to them like shadows, refusing to be cast aside.With each step, they felt the tension in my muscles begin to ebb away, replaced by a sense of release that bordered on euphoria. The rain washed over them, cleansing them of the stains of regret and sorrow, leaving behind only the raw vulnerability of their truest self. And though their cheeks were wet with tears, they were indistinguishable from the rain that fell from the sky, hidden from prying eyes by the mask of the storm.

Lost in their thoughts, they barely registered the passage of time as they wandered aimlessly through the empty streets. It was as if the world had been suspended in a moment of quiet contemplation, each droplet of rain a silent witness to the depths of their despair. And yet, amidst the stillness, there was a sense of companionship, a silent understanding that transcended words.


And so, as I continue my solitary journey through the rain-soaked streets, I do so with a sense of gratitude-for the tears that cleanse my soul, for the rain that washes away my sorrow, and for the love that sustains me through even the darkest of nights. For in the gentle embrace of the rain, I find not just solace, but hope-a reminder that even in the midst of despair, there is still beauty to be found amidst the tears and the turmoil.


"In the vast, tumultuous expanse of life's ocean, every fish seeks refuge in its own steadfast rock-a sanctuary amidst the crashing waves. Similarly, amidst the tempests of our existence, those who truly love us stand as unwavering pillars, capable of discerning our tears amidst the downpour of life's challenges. Their steadfast presence and boundless compassion serve as guiding lights in the darkest of nights, leading us towards the tranquil shores of serenity and solace.

In the depths of our despair, it is crucial to allow ourselves the freedom to express our pain-to cry out, scream, and let our voices echo across the vast expanse of our emotions. For it is in the rawness of our vulnerability that true healing begins. Suppressing our feelings only serves to prolong the agony, trapping us in a cycle of suffering.

Embrace the cathartic release that comes with each tear shed, understanding that each drop carries with it a piece of our burden, lightening the load we carry. Each cry, each scream, each expression of anguish is a testament to our resilience, a step forward on the path towards healing.

So, in the midst of life's storms, find solace in the presence of those who love you-those who stand unwavering in their support, ready to weather the tempests alongside you. And in the depths of your despair, find the courage to let your emotions flow freely, for it is through vulnerability that we discover our true strength. Together, with love as our compass and tears as our guide, we navigate the turbulent seas of existence, towards the tranquil shores of inner peace and renewal."

Alternatively :

"In the vast ocean of life, every fish has its rock-a steadfast anchor amidst the turbulent waves. Similarly, amidst life's storms, those who love us are like unwavering rocks, able to distinguish our tears from the rain. Their steadfast support and understanding serve as beacons of hope, guiding us through the darkest of nights towards the shores of serenity and solace. Cry, scream, shout if you want to. Let your emotions flow freely, for it is in the expression of our pain that healing begins. Suppressing our feelings only prolongs the agony. Embrace the catharsis of release, knowing that each tear shed is a step closer to the light. In the depths of despair, find the courage to let your emotions unfurl, for it is through vulnerability that we find strength."

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