Only Exclusives

12 1 6

The members never expected that they would be sitting there, with make-up artists, stylists, and managers walking around them with rushed steps. They never expected to be on 'Only Exclusives', the show that meant "you're a hotshot". This is not to say they didn't expect any fame. The twins, especially, anticipated that they would get some recognition, it was, after all what they lived for.

"They're airing in 10!" A manager yelled, which caused the make-up artists to do some last minuate touch ups. Jupiter looked over to Sol, whose legs were shaking up and down. This was an expected response from the anxious Sol. Jupiter placed his hands on Sol's knee, gentle and reassuring.

"Dude, relax. If anything happens, we're here." Jupiter smiled, his painted red lips, curving upwards, and his eyes glazed with confidence.

Sol nodded, taking a deep breath. "I know, I'm actually not as nervous. I met the host a few hours ago, and saw the set. It made me feel a lot better that I could familirize with the place and the people before actually going on."

Yu-Xi's make up was finally done, and the moment she finished, she sprang to ger feet. Her washed out pink hair was curled slightly, and was sporting a smokey eye. "I'm so ready for this! Been waiting for this moment since I was like 3-"

"This didn't exist when you were 3-" Jupiter fired back.

"Oh shut up, rockface, you know what I meant!"

The two bickered back and fourth, until Yu-Xi stopped suddenly, causing Jupiter to turn around.

"Let's go onto the set, you two, sit away from each other. There's no telling what you two will do if you guys sit next to each other." Sunja appeared with a starbucks coffee in her hand.

"Yes, mame!" Yu-Xi saluted dramatically. "You're so lucky she was here or else-"

"Or else what? You're like three feet-"

"Jupiter..." Sunja called in a warning tone.

They were ready to enter the set but waited for the que to enter the set. They could hear the show host's voice introduincing the show to the viewers. His voice seeming excited as he built up the suspense.

"Today, my dear viewers, we have a very special guests. They have just recently made a comeback, and are on a world tour, their songs are top 10 on charts all across the world right now, they are remarkable, and so very talented. Please welcome The Monarchs!"

The 6 members entered, waving to the camera, in front of them were three big screens with the live comment sections blowing up with claps, and excited typed alphabet gibberish, and prises of love.

"One, Two!" Sunja declared once everyone had been seated. The rest of the members, along with the two leaders recited, "Fly!"

Hojin smiled at the camera, "Hello, we are..." 

"The Monarchs!"

The show host smiled as they did their group greeting. "Wow, that was some greeting! Welcome, please sit, get comfortable, you'll be here a while." The host joked, while motioning to their seats, and they all synchronously took it. "Now, can you please introduce yourself one by one for the viewers?"

"Hello everyone, I'm Sunja, the bassist and leader of this band!" She waved. She waved her hand, showing her red nails that matched her red lipstick.

"I'm Hojin, on guitar, and also the... other leader." He said giving a small smile, knowing that it was strange to have two leaders in one group.

"Hi! I'm so excited to be on this show! I'm Dov-i and I'm the lead singer!" Dovi winked at the camera, all smiles.

"Hey, I'm Jupiter, and I'm the lead guitarist." He gave a flirty look at the camera, in the corner, you could see Sunja cringe slightly, and the camera zoomed in on Yu-Xi's scrunched up face of disgust. The other members let out a laugh, causing Yu-xi to collect herself.

"Hi guys! My name is Yu-xi and I'm on the keyboard!"

"And I'm Sol, the drummer."

The camera zoomed out so that the viewers could see all of them seated. "Now, do you guys know how this works?" The host asked to which all the members nodded.

"Right, for the viewers who don't know, can uh... you explain Dovi?"

Dovi nodded not wasting a breath. "Of course, so our host, Mr. Darcie will be asking us questions about our band, questions that are already prepared. And we will answer. This show is live, but will not be recorded, which is what makes this show so unique and exclusive! The viewers who are watching this moment, you witness something nobody else will because you are watching this right as we are in the studio. Throughout the interview, we each will choose one question from our fans and viewers, from the comment section, and of course these questions are ones that weren't prepared, so the answers will be also special." Dovi finished.

Mr. Darcie smiled at the camera. "Right, let's get started then, shall we?"


Heyy, hope everyone is well! Happy valantine's day! 

I know it's kind of late but do you guys like Gidle's new album? 

I really loved it! 

Have a good day/night~

~ da vinchen


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