Rise of the Dalon Part 7 (not Copy edited yet!)

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Roanha had led his footmen to the valleys crest. As he had taken up position in the centre of his line, he presented to his enemy a wall of warriors so well equipped and in such numbers, that such a sight had never been seen before on a field of battle. A show of arms great enough to check even the greatest of commanders.

He left five hundred of Farnbreths axe men in reserve behind the line at its centre. Those warriors were the heavyweight shock troops for the army. When unleashed they would advance behind a great shield wall, each shield so tall and heavy that men were made shield bearers to do nothing but hold the great pieces of armour in place. Behind those men were the axe men. They would stay low behind the wall, clad in heavy armour and carrying nothing more than their double handed war axes. They were so equipped for the attack that if taken by surprise and forced on to the defensive they could do little but hold their ground behind the shield wall or fall back. But that was not their purpose, their's was to advance and then explode in waves of swinging steel on to an enemy and destroy them with brute force. Every one was a formidable beast and only the very best could hope to stop such an attack.

Roahna called a halt allowing just the first few ranks of his army to file down the slope, thus concealing their full strength behind them and the ridge. Such a sight., he thought to himself and smiled. Roahna had not revealed his entire hand; again he had used the land to hide the warrior on his far left, which he had ordered to stop back from the ridge and out of site of his enemy. Roanha looked on as he saw Jagos Cavalry break the final remnants of Sarriss force that now huddled around a small stone bridge, which marked the centre of the field. First blood to Farnbreth, He thought and then immediately began his second move.

Borrock had seen the light men of the Sarris destroyed because Firminors cavalry had failed to reach them. Had the cavalry covered there right the line may well have held. He had surveyed the sight of Roanhas army as did all his men. No more than I expected, he had thought, and then allowed himself to marvel at the sight of such a disciplined and well armed force. Farnbreth was strong, and its wealth showed through its strength in arms. A wealth that would soon be his. Orders were given,

"Aloon take your men forward and hold the bridge. As we still hold it that is were we will stay"

Lord Aloon confirmed the order. "All my number my Lord".

"Every last one" Borrock ordered. Aloon left his lords entourage and soon the best of Borrocks footmen began the short march to the bridge.

Borrocks mind worked quickly. His centre was secure, he would send Firminors cavalry right again with his Waltish and another wave of the Sarris light footmen with them. He would comit over two thousand warriors to his right. They would be made ready for his order. Borrocks entourage watched the king with nervous anticipation. Borrock pondered for a moment on his plan. Hold the centre. Advance through the rocks on our far right. Smash their left and force their retreat. Or push them until we have turned them on to their centre. Yes! He concluded to himself; hold the centre, win the battle on the right.

The battle ground on. Roanha sent three thousand of his footmen to finish Borrocks centre. If he succeeded, Borrocks army would be split. Those footmen met with Aloon and Borrocks elite and for more than an hour the lines locked together in a death match of pushing, hammering, stabbing, hacking and pushing again. The river ran red, the bridge was slick with blood, and the ground around piled high with dead and wounded.

The two Kings watched and waited. It was Borrock who moved first. From his position he could see that Roahna was held in the centre, and it was now he would send in his Right. He gave quick sharp orders and soon his light men were advancing from the rocks with Firminor and his cavalry in close support. They had advanced to the far right and moved in to the rocks unchallenged. Roahnas line stopped short of Firminors position and the rocks but still maintained the high ground were they had formed up. It seemed to Borrock that Farnbreths King was unphased by the potential of being outflanked and confident that by holding the high ground he could protect his left. But by holding the ridge, Roahnas men who continued to fight on at the bridge, were some way from support if there flanks were threatened. Too far Borrock concluded.

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