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Scarlett knew how she had been determined to prove to Kim it was Jamie who had gotten her sent to jail. She knew that she was sick and tired of how her mum always put Jamie first.

It had always been the same when they were growing up. Jamie always came first. Scarlett was fed up of it. She wanted nothing more than to make Jamie not be the golden child.

She knew Chloe was the same. But she had no idea what was even going on with Chloe. She was rarely around. And Scarlett couldn't help but feel like her sister was going off the rails.

Her family was falling apart. And she felt as though it was all down to Jamie. And how he had this urge to be mummy's little boy. And Scarlett wanted nothing more than to sort it. To make Kim see that Jamie wasn't as good as she thought.

Cain had been away on a trip so she had been lonely without him. She knew she had Ivy. But it was so hard at the moment. The one person she needed wasn't there and that physically hurt her heart.

All Scarlett knew was that things weren't easy. And she had no idea how to handle it all before it got too much.

Morning came and she was lying in bed with Ivy. The door opened and Chloe walked in. Esmè in her arms. She smiled. "Hey. I know I've been a little offish lately. But I'm just worried. I'm sorry if you think I'm not there enough for you," she said.

Scarlett shook her head and smiled. "No. I get you're going through a lot at the moment. And I feel bad for you. I just don't want you to get hurt in the whole process of things," she told her.

Chloe put Esmè on the bed. She sighed. "Mum is all over Jamie and Andrea now they're back. It's like she doesn't even remember what we did for her. How we risked everything for her," she said.

"I know. I think we need to tell mum who it was that got her sent down," Scarlett said.

"I'm in."

Scarlett walked through the village with Ivy. She smiled as she looked to see Cain. He walked over to her and kissed her. "I missed you," she said as she kissed him again.

"I missed you too. Are you okay?" Cain asked. He knew how things had been for her lately. And he wanted to somehow make things seem okay.

Scarlett nodded. She smiled. "Yeah. I'm going to do all I can to make it be okay. I'm not going to let Jamie keep being the golden child. He's done so much to fuck up my family. And it's not happening anymore," she said.

Cain pulled her into his arms and kissed her. "I'll take Ivy for a bit. You do what you need to," he said as he took his daughter's pushchair.

Scarlett kissed him and walked off. Determined to do what she had planned.

Scarlett and Chloe walked into home farm together. Kim was there with Jamie. She looked to them both. "Where have you been? Jamie is back. And I want us to have dinner together," she said.

Scarlett shook her head. "We're not having dinner. We need to tell you something," she told her.

Kim rolled her eyes. "Whatever it is, it can wait. We're hungry."

Chloe scoffed. "Are you going to tell mum? Or are we?" She asked her brother.


Scarlett nodded. "Okay. Fine. Jamie is the one who you got you sent down. He's the reason you went to prison," she said as she looked to her mum.

But was this the beginning of a much darker time for the Tate family?

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