Christmas Time

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JJ and Spencer were over at Garcia's house for Christmas. Garcia called the whole team over so they could gather around and share thought of this year and the possibility of what could happen.

JJ and Spencer were the first to arrive. Garcia is the only one that knows that JJ and Spencer are dating. She was ,of course, the one who got them together.

She knew Spencer's plan for tonight. He showed Garcia the ring he bought 2 weeks ago.

He would have asked JJ sooner but they were busy the whole month with cases. After one case they had another one the had to go to.

"All right my babies. The rest of them should be here in 10 minutes." Garcia said walking over to the couple. Garcia smiled at the two.

They were about to kiss when Garcia jumped in Spencer's lap. JJ laughed at Garcia and Spencer's face.

Garcia stayed in Spencer's lap for the next 10 minutes playing with his freshly cut hair.

The door bell rang and JJ got up to open it. The rest of the team came in and started laughing. Garcia was kissing Spencer all over his cheeks. He was trying to get away.

After the laughter died down Garcia got up and took a picture. Spencer had lipstick all over his face. He tried wiping it off, but it stayed the way it was. The team laughed at him.

They sar down. Derek went over to Garcia and kissed her head. Emily sat with Hotch.

They got married 3 months ago.

Rossi sat down by Reid and JJ. "Ok. So, boy genius over here has something he needs to say." Garcia pointed to him.

His eyes widened.

His heart was beating fast.

He opened his mouth to say something but couldn't get the words out.

"Maybe he will feel like saying it after he gets the lipstick off his face." Emily said. Spencer nodded. Garcia pulled him to the bathroom and started wiping it off.

"You can do this. Just take a deep breath and say it." Garcia advised him. Spencer nodded. They walked out the bathroom door. They made there way over to the team.

"Feel better, pretty boy?" Morgan teased. Spencer nodded. Spencer sar down by JJ. He took a breath.

"JJ. I love you. We have been together for 2 years, but it seems like we have been together forever. I love you. Nothing will change the way I feel around you." Spencer said getting up from his spot.

He got down on one knee and pulled the box out of his pocket. He opened it. "Jennifer, will you marry me?" Spencer asked.

JJ sat there with tears in her eyes. The team looked at them in surprise. They didn't even know they were together only Garcia did.

JJ nodded her head. She couldn't find the words to say. Spencer got up from his spot and gave JJ the box. She put the ring on and kissed Spencer. The team cheered.

Garcia took a picture of the two. Spencer sat back down with JJ in his lap. Rossi patted Reid on his shoulder and smiled at him and JJ. They were truly the perfect couple.

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