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Idea: What if Spencer has a girlfriend, who has a kid, and they finally meet the team.
Goal: 1k words or more

Spencee really didnt want to get out of bed today. He just went to bed and cursed his job as he set his alarm for 5 hours later. The last case really wore him out. There was so many things they had to figure out that he ended up spending hours past midnight trying to piece together.

That time and effort seemed to be used every day without much recognition (not that he was trying for it). It didnt help his spirt getting home at 11:40 pm just to set his alarm for 5 am that next morning. After showering and making sure everything is locked up and secured, he walked slowly to his room and laid down. His girlfriend musy have sensed he was there and rolled over and put her arms around him. He did the same and fell asleep.

The next morning came with no mercy. They curtains in front of the window didn't sheild enough light to make sleeping worth it anymore.

Without much noise, Spencer shut his alarm off before it could sound and walked into the kitchen to make coffee. As he put the pot on, he went and got dressed.

It really didnt take long for spencer to do the routine he's been doing since he was 21.

Spencer poured himself come coffee and drank that as he was about to check his phone. He heard little footsteps come from down the hall and knew it was his girlfriend's baby girl that calls Spencer Daddy.

This little girl is the spitting image of her mother. Blonde hair and blue eyes with a cheeky smile.

Spencer practically rasied her as his own. His girlfriend, Caitlyn, wasn't in the best relationship before Spencer. Her ex, who is the father of Justice, was a drug addict. He was also a con artist. He didnt have the best temper, either.

Caitlyn used to work at the coffee shop not too far from the FBI. She was doing that while studying to be a teacher. She knew Spencer from there and Spencer was the one thay picked up on all signs for a toxic relationship.  He basically opened his home to her to get away from the guy, and she never looked back.

A few months later, Caitlyn found out she was pregnant. At this time, Spencer and her just started dating. She was afraid that Spencer wouldn't want her anymore because of this, but Spencer assured her that he loved her and would love the child like his own. And he hasn't broken his promise.

"Daddy?" The little 2 year old peaked around the corner at Spencer. Spencer set his coffee down and kneeled down to her height. A common routine they do whenever Spencer comes home from work.

Justic wrapped her arms around his neck as Spencer picks her up. He sits back in his original spot and checks his watch. He had 15 minutes before he has to leave. And he would use every second of it being her father.

When he went to leave, he carried his sleepy daughter to his room and laid Justice down by her mother. He kissed both of them and left.

As he drove to the BAU, he thought about everything. He was a father but didnt tell his team. That would go againts Caitlyn's wishes. It was her way of protecting their child. He understood it and never pushed her about telling the team. As long as Spencer had been a profiler, he also knew she was embarrassed. Maybe it was the fact that she was in a bad relationship before this and needed help or that she had a kid with another man that wasnt the one she was with. Either way, Spencer loved her. He kept their relationship and family a secret for 2 and 1/2 years until she was ready.

He pulled into his parking stall and grabbed his stuff. He went up the elevator and started his stack of paperwork. He had a little more since they were trying to promote him. He finished a few packs before JJ and Hotch came in. Hotch nodded to him while JJ walked over to him.

"Spence? I texted you and you never responded. I asked if you wanted coffee this morning. I didn't get a response." JJ gave Spencer the coffee she bought either way. Spencer looked at her confused. He would have know if she texted him. He always had his phone on him.

He took the coffee and thanked her. He stood up and felt his pockets. His phone wasn't there. He then remembered that he didn't take it off the charger this morning.

Spencer sighed and JJ laughed at him. Spencer couldn't go back home because he had a meeting in 20 minutes.

He knew the only way he could get his phone was if he asked Caitlyn. JJ let him borrow her phone and he endes up calling his. He knew Caitlyn would be up by now and getting ready to leave to take Justice to her mother's so she could go talk to her boss. She answered and Spencer explained what happened and she agreed to bring tbe phone. She would have to Justice but Spencer reassured her that it would be fine.

Spencer gave JJ her phone as be passed to go to his meeting with Strauss and a few of the board members. Anderson was also joining in on the meeting.

During the time they were in the meeting, Caitlyn and Justice came in the office. Derek was the first to spot her and helped her find JJ. Apparently, Spencer told her to bring the phone to JJ.

Being a mother, JJ was super sweet with her and they got talking. Caitlyn opened up to her about it all and JJ helped her meet the team.

They were all gathered in the conference room, getting to know eachother, when Spencer and Anderson walked in. He saw Caitlyn with his team and smiled at her. Justice caught sight of her father and jumped into his arms. He hugged her and kissed her head.

Spencer was handed his phone from JJ as be held his baby girl.

Hotch was wondering how the meeting went. He knew what it was, as did JJ and Rossi.

"The meeting was great. They want Anderson and I to lead team 3."

Derek looked confused. "There isn't a team 3. It's us and King' s team."

"They will have a team 3. After we select the candidates for the team next month," Anderson filled in.

Caitlyn hugged Spencer and he returned it. He leaned down and said "I told you everything would be fine." She nodded as she leaned into him. He kissed her head as the team talked.

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