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"You test my patience" -M.S

Third person pov:

Two girls stood still in what seems to be an office with typical white plain walls but towards the left was a cabinet, elegant in design it held what seemed to be trophies and achievements.
The room was small in size with a couple of wooden desks, light brown in colour that had papers and files stacked onto them.
Thick tension clearly between the two girls, an older girl the student council vice president Miywaki Sakura stood angerly, short black mid length hair, pale skin with a rather petite structure and a little more then slightly shorter then the girl she's faced,

Lee Chaeyeon.

The younger but taller girl, tall mid length brown hair, a more athletic structure and an awkward smile shining on her face.

"Lee Chaeyeon-ssi, another week of detention for you! , this is completely unacceptable you know that right"  spoke Sakura enraged by the younger's actions, Chaeyeon stood still staring at the older girl's expression,
"yeah..are you still mad at me?" She responded with guilt laced onto her voice appearing sincere, light disappointment glistening through her dark brown eyes. The older student was not happy by her useless response at all  giving her a glare, "You and your freinds absolutely messed up the main school wall with graffiti ! and that's what you have to say for your self?" The younger looked down embarrassed, afraid to admit she'd taken no part at all in whats she's been blamed for and convinced the older wouldn't believe her anyway, Sakura didn't take her silent gesture so lightly. The older girl held her by her ear harshly and voiced out her words aggressively "Look at me when I'm talking to you! Haven't you had enough making me miserable for a day??" , Chaeyeon just went along with the older girl reprimanding her silently.


"I'm sorry I really mean it!, I didn't mean for you to have to stay after school to supervise my detention" Chaeyeon voiced out sadly but Sakura remained unpleased with the younger girl, having to waste her time sat just to supervise that girl alone.

The light blue sky held the hidden sun which was covered by a blanket of clouds. The classroom was empty, tables rearranged and the lights turned off solely depending on the natural light that beamed from the window.

Sakura was sat at the teachers desk silently doing her work, while Chaeyeon helplessly stared around the classroom before her eyes landed on their final destination.

Miyawaki Sakura

Her face shaped perfectly, glasses complimenting it entirely appearing like she'd been hand crafted by god himself. She is pretty without a doubt specially when she's quiet, focused on her work somehow her concentration was attractive. Whenever she dug her fingers through her hair and pushed it backwards, her pale neck and defined collarbones making an appearance after being hidden under her hair.

It struck Chaeyeon how pretty she was, how is it she'd never noticed?

Unfortunately for Chaeyeon her stares practically could pierce through Sakura, so it didn't go unnoticed by the older girl. "What happened Lee, why are you staring so much?" Sakura faced her coldly, "ah- I-I'm just zoned out, sorry" Chaeyeon replied at Sakuras unexpected question.


Chaeyeon suddenly spoke after another set of silence between them.


Sakura stared at Chaeyeon in shock, "eh?, you know Japanese?" She questioned her, the younger girl smiled proudly before responding "yeah, I do- please forgive me Sakura I didn't want to burden you", Sakura sighed "quit apologising, you still did it whats the point?". Chaeyeon stood up abruptly and went up to the desk Sakura was sat in, she held out her hand gently almost like she held out her hand to a doubtful cat, wanting to not appear as a threat. "what if we just go?, I don't want you to sit here and glare at me for any longer!", Sakura just looked at her expressionless " yah! What do u think you're doing? Sit back do-" she didn't get to finish her sentence before the taller girl grabbed her arm and made her stand up, she was getting dragged by the younger, "Chaeyeon-ssi let me fetch my bag atleast!".

They stood outside the school, Sakura was diligently looking for a member of staff to inform about her leaving but Chaeyeon wasn't having it, "yah we aren't waiting, let's go", the older wasn't pleased about being dragged she replied with dissatisfaction "Yah where are you taking me, you stupid rebel!"
Chaeyeon stood still staring at the older happily "I'm going to treat you to some food, I owe you for making you miss lunch aswell, I would ask If you mind but I'm already dragging you there" she smiled and the older kept numb for a second before responding quietly "why would I say no to free food anyway".


Sakura was sat in some large picnic
table, dark wood but had a gentle surface. They were at a park by some food stands. The wind blew gently letting her hair flow behind her slowly and with that a breath of fresh air was forced deep into her lungs, she's still quiet unsure how she ended up in this situation.

Chaeyeon was jogging back on the grass hurrily after placing the order, not wanting Sakura to be left alone, yet as she increased her speed she approached the uneven pavement and tripped, most of the impact taken by her knees. She winced in pain before attempting to get up, then, a gentle voice could be heard.

"Hey, don't get up just yet, let me check your knees okay?"

It was none other then Miyawaki Sakura, who else would it be? Unexpectedly she didn't think the burdened girl would care at all.  The older girl examined her knees then chuckled, "what are you laughing at?" Chaeyeon asked curiously, "who expected little miss dancer to be so clumsy" the older girl chuckled out, leaving a deep shade of red cover Chaeyeons ears. But much as Chaeyeon would enjoy being laughed at by the pretty Japanese girl she got up in a hurry to get the older girls food or run away from the embarrassing situation, who knows.

Chaeyeon brought the food, which consisted of mostly snacks and placed it down, the Japanese girl was sat down on the grass, it was short in size and light green in colour, it was soft and full of life. Sakura was joyfully eating the food the younger had bought her, it was the most relaxed Chaeyeon had seen Sakura be,

Chaeyeon smiled happily "I hope I make it up to you Saku-chan"

Sakura choked on her food, "yah who said you could call me that?", Chaeyeon pouted at the older girl "why can't I?"
Sakura ignored the younger for a bit before saying,

"You really test my patience you know that?, what makes you think you could make it up to me!"

Chaeyeon gave it a serious thought then shrugged before responding, "I have no reason to think that actually, but I don't think I'm that bad, am I bad Saku-chan?

Or did I just give you a bad impression?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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