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"Mom, I assure you that I am perfectly fine. It is merely a snowstorm." I trembled in my jacket while the snowflakes bombarded me persistently, and my boots struggled to maintain traction as I hurriedly crossed the deserted, icy parking lot in search of shelter from the blizzard.

"Didn't I tell you to come sooner? I knew this was going to happen Alexis!" My mother shouted worriedly down the phone.

"Yes mom, I know. I have parked my car though so please stop worrying." I hurriedly entered the cabin-like cafe, which shone brightly like guiding lights amidst the darkness. It was a cozy establishment, reminiscent of a northern home cooking spot, where individuals often stop by for breakfast while on their travels. "The snow won't last long so I'll be home in the morning."

"Be safe honey! Don't you dare die from the cold on Valentine's Day."

Why is it snowing on Valentine's Day anyway?

I dismissed the situation with a sigh and ended the call. It is not uncommon for mothers to express concern, but I acknowledge that the blame lies with me for not organizing my affairs more efficiently. On Valentine's Day, I am embarking on a journey to visit my parents, as I recently discovered that my boyfriend of three years had been unfaithful throughout our relationship. Given my irregular working hours at the hospital, which often include night shifts, he evidently saw fit to betray my trust in my absence.

I have a great fondness for my job, let me clarify that. However, it is quite rare for me to have any time off. It astonishes me that they granted me permission to have the weekend off.

I discreetly slid my phone into my pocket, feeling a chill run down my spine from the cold weather, and made my way into the cafe. The moment I stepped inside, I was greeted by a wave of warmth and the delightful aroma of freshly brewed coffee. The bustling activity of a few individuals moving swiftly around the cafe provided a sense of comfort, making me feel less isolated. Taking a seat in a booth that offered a clear view of the highway, I could easily observe the signs indicating the duration of the road closure.

"Welcome to Roadside Country Cafe!" I forced a feeble grin. "Are you waiting for the storm to pass or coming for a bite to eat? I could make you some hot chocolate if you like?"

"I would love some hot chocolate!" I admitted.

As I continued to tremble, I acknowledged the fact that my body had not yet adjusted to the warmth. After the server departed, I took the opportunity to observe the individuals present in the vicinity. Across the room, I noticed a content couple snuggled together in a booth, engrossed in a conversation, presumably discussing Valentine's Day. A man seated nearby was vigorously typing on his laptop, his forehead creased with a perplexed expression, likely perturbed by a change of plans. Lastly, a boisterous family occupied a table in the center of the dining room, exuding joy as they celebrated Valentine's Day despite the blizzard, undeterred by the weather.

Observing the snow swiftly drifting through the atmosphere, I peered out of the window. It moved with an aimless determination, resembling a battalion of soft plumes. Had I foreseen being trapped in a tempestuous storm on Valentine's Day, following my boyfriend's betrayal, I would have ensured to bring my laptop along to continue working on my book. Anything to divert my attention from the ticking clock, for time inevitably decelerates when one anxiously awaits the passing of a storm.

My mind wondered to thoughts from the past three years. My Valentine's Day spent cuddled up with Harry on the sofa while watching a romance movie. The clinking of glasses as we sat at the table and had a nice takeaway because we didn't like going out to fancy restaurants. I missed the simplicity of those days as my work schedule made me miss our last valentines together. Memories floated and melted like the snow as the new flakes of self discovery replace it.

I was taken aback as my concentration was abruptly interrupted by the arrival of a gentleman with a laptop, causing my train of thought to derail.

"Uh, hey?" I croaked awkwardly.

"Hey, I noticed you sitting alone and thought you would like some company." The man grinned. "I'm Grayson."

"Alexis." Returning the smile as I turned to face him.

"Really bad timing?" He cocked his head towards the window, the snow falling faster than before.

"Yeah. It's my fault that I got stuck here, I left too late."

"Same here. I'm supposed to be at work but I woke up from a nap too late. I work in the hospital." He grinned in a playful manner.

"I'm visiting my parents for Valentine's Day. I left late because my boss needed more staff at the hospital." I smiled, realising we both worked at the hospital.

"Ah! We work at the same place."

"Yeah, it isn't as fun as they say on Tv. People nowadays have no idea how stressful it is."

"I understand." Grayson adjusted his position in the chair, settling in for the lengthy hours that lay ahead of us. "I write stories on all the patients, I don't actually work on them, if that makes sense.."

"Oh! Like a doctor journalist?"

"Yeah exactly that!" Grayson let out a laugh, as warm as hot chocolate.

"Most of the stories I write are made up. Last year, I wrote a story about a man who broke his foot. I wrote about how he was making thanksgiving dinner and the turkey was stuck in his foot."

"That sounds like one of those Instagram reels." I said.

"They're based on true stories but more of my imagination."

As the snow relentlessly fell outside, we carried on with our conversation. The interminable wait no longer felt like an eternity as we savored our hot chocolate and exchanged anecdotes about our patients. Gradually, our bond grew solely from our shared profession. Grayson appeared to comprehend my exasperation with the storm and my past relationship, just as I comprehended his. Our discussions seamlessly transitioned from work to our personal interests, holiday arrangements, childhood memories, and anything that could help us while away the time. Within a matter of hours, it felt as though we had known each other for a lifetime.

"So, what made you become a doctor?" Grayson questioned.

"I wanted to make a difference in people's lives. My father passed away because he was ill and believed that hospitals were bad, so I wanted to prove to him and to other people that hospitals aren't as bad as they seem. How about you?" I questioned as I took a sip from my mug.

"I loved writing stories when I was younger, but my mom was ill and when we went to the hospital, I left my journal there. A doctor rang my mom and asked if I wanted a job in the hospital to write about the experiences patients have had."

I nodded in acknowledgment and understanding as the last of the snow settled on the ground.

"It looks like the storm is over." I gazed out of the window, a twinge of sadness ached in my heart as I saw he was right. "It was nice talking to you, happy Valentine's Day!" Grayson smiled as he stood up. The other people fled to their cars, eager to be on the road again.

"You too! Happy Valentine's Day!" I said, sadness lacing my voice as I stood up. I yearn for our conversations to persist. I had developed deep affection for Grayson, despite the cliché nature of my sentiment. Within the short span of a few hours, I have never encountered someone as empathetic as him, someone who illuminated the darkness amidst the turmoil.

Upon entering the parking lot, I was greeted by the biting cold air that pierced both my face and my heart. To my surprise, a piece of paper was discreetly placed into my hand as Grayson bid me farewell and swiftly made his way across the frozen terrain towards his vehicle.

"I loved our conversation. Let's continue over a cup of coffee sometime! I hope to see you when we both get back to work. Love, Grayson x" A phone number was written on the paper under the note. I smiled and waved goodbye, my heart full of hope.

Valentine's Day SpecialWhere stories live. Discover now