Lab shenanigans

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Medkit stood in the middle of the crowded laboratory , practically frozen still. Crowds weren't exactly his cup of tea. Though he didn't really feel stressed, he also didn't really know how to get out of this situation without feeling like all of the eyes in the lab were on him. But he knew very well his first day as a scientist at the Blackrock faction would end up something like this- horribly. His job was kind of a two-in-one, as if a single one wasn't stressful enough...

You see, Blackrock has a bit of a problem: They hire a lot of scientists, but there's noone to actually watch over their safety if their experiments fail. That's when he comes into place- He's also the medic. Not exactly what he wanted to do, but it payed enough. He wasn't even sure how he got hired without a PhD, are people here really that inexperienced?

Thoughts aside, he had to focus on actually getting to his designated station. His brows furrowed, slowly getting annoyed at having to constantly repeat the same two words: "Excuse me" as he tried to squeeze through the ocassional scientists blocking his way. Step after step, he finally made it to his desk. He sighed out of relief, as if he just went through some workout the devil himself put him through. He had already gotten a tour of the place before, but the workspace looked different to him when it was full rather than empty like before.

He put his rather small and handy medkit onto the desk, flipping it open. His eyes quickly scanned through the contents before he pulled out his notebook full of, well... Notes. It looked like it went through some throwing and ripping out of pure furstration before, but why would he replace it? If it does the work, let it work. That was basically his mindset. No need to waste money like that..

Medkit knew what he needed to experiment on, and if he actually wanted to do anything useful for this faction, he might aswell get to work as soon as he could. He was a workaholic, to say the least. He could work through the entire day and night before crashing down in a bed and sleeping through the entire span of 10 hours. But he couldn't really do that now. Now, it's just "Work all day and get no sleep" or maybe a "Actually take care of your well-being and clock out normally".

But he's thinking too far ahead now, it's just his first day here. Either it's going to go smoothly, or something is going to go absolutely south. There's no inbetween, from what he learned through his past experiences with jobs. Medkit flipped through the pages of his notebook, staring at some of them intently. He's kind of just standing over the desk awkwardly, even if he has a chair about half a meter away from him.

Except his deep thoughts were then interrupted with an explosion, not so far away, either...

He flinched at the disturbance of his thinking, his head quickly whipping over to see what was the cause of the sound. Actually, most of the people in the lab did the same, at least he wasn't alone...

The attention went over to a bright pink demon. Shattered glass, that he was holding just a few seconds ago, was now scattered around him. His gloved hands were pierced with tiny pieces of what he assumed to be some pink crystal-like shards. He looked stuck in place as his brain seemed to attempt to swallow down the information of what the hell just happened. His uniform looked a bit different, standing out with the ocassional pink instead boring grey they had assigned to their work uniforms, but Medkit could barely notice, heaps of smoke caused by the explosion being around the demon didn't help at all. Medkit had been so focused on observing the pink fool that he also forgot about how it was his job to ask if he was okay... Great.

But why would the damn green idiot do that? Everyone's already went quiet, it's not worth to just break the silence, so he just waits quite patiently for everyone to go back to minding their own business, as if this happens hourly. It's been 5 minutes into his work, if injuries happen this often here, he might aswell just quit now, he thought while mindlessly walking over to the previously humiliated demon. 

Medkit prepared for the interaction, exhaling before tapping the man on the shoulder gently, being met with a surprised look.
"Oh! Excuse me, do you need something?" The pink fool uttered out, raising an eyebrow at the person he knew absolutely nothing about. Reasonably, Medkit got a tiny bit distracted with his obnoxiously long hair, but brushed it off as he answered in a monotone voice.
"Do you need some help?" There was a moment of silence, both of them staring at eachother for a good second until the opposite demon decided to reply.
"Right! You're that medic the higher-ups promised to hire!!" His voice seemed to beam with excitement despite the fact he had just gotten his hand doused in some kind of acid and shards after the crystal broke from the inevitable explosion...
"Welcome to the team!! Name's Subspace Tripmine, who might you be??" The fool, now identified with the name Subspace, reached out his pierced, gloved hand for a handshake. Or whatever he wanted...

Medkit only furrowed his brows slightly, frowning as he quickly tried to brainstorm a solution on how to politely decline his handshake while still maintaining a professional appearance. That idiot just kept his hand up with a smile, even if multiple seconds had already passed...
"Medkit." He bluntly replied, not interested in a conversation, just trying to get his work done here.
"Let me repeat myself, do you need any medical assistance?" He spoke again before Subspace could respond to his name, instead making him focus on this question.

"Uhm- actually, yes!! The acid didn't do anything, but the shards... Whoops!!" He laughed it off, as if his fingers weren't beginning to sting and burn a bit... Was this coworker actually this ignorant about him hurting?

Medkit realized that he didn't even bother to bring over his medkit, somewhat embarrassed by the whole unprofessional slip-up. He looked back before his eyes glared into the others.
"Come on."
He groaned, clearly looking displeased with this entire situation as he wandered back to the comforts of his- desk.

Subspace blinked, tilting his head ever so slightly in confusion.
"Oh- Right! Wait up!!" He chased right after him, slowing to a halt soon after as he awkwardly stood there by his desk like a kid in a waiting line. He stayed still as the other was reaching for something in his medkit.

"What was that crystal?" Medkit questioned, eyes wandering up to meet Subspace's.
"Right!! Those crystals.. They're a work in progress! I've been tasked to create something destructive for Blackrock!!" The other blurted out quickly in a rant, looking proud of himself and his works in the lab.

Medkit nodded in acknowledgement, gently inspecting his hand, careful not to hurt him. He didn't want any complaints about him so early on... He looked through his medkit, seemingly searching for something, however it didn't take long for Subspace to open his mouth to speak once again.

"So, you said your name was Medkit, right?" Subspace asked curiously as he let the other demon work on his aching hand. "Yes." Medkit responded blankly, pulling something out of the suitcase and setting it down on the table. He had to carefully pull out the shards stuck in his hand first, Subspace's hand occasionally flinching, but he tried to keep a strong face on. "It's nice to have a medic around now, don't know how i'd deal with this myself..!" He chuckled, his eyes observing Medkit's face for a second before quickly returning to look at his hand, he didn't want to seem like he was just staring at the new guy! Medkit simply nodded in response, sighing once he finished his job with the shards. He pulled the glove off, grabbing the disinfectant he set down on the table earlier and began to use it on the demon's hand. "Owch! That stings!" Subspace commented with a whine, but Medkit only rolled his eyes in response before speaking. "It can't be that bad."

. . .

After some time being wasted for the both of them, Medkit finally managed to save the poor guys hand.
"Here, it looks like it won't stop bleeding any time soon." Reluctantly, he wrapped Subspace's hand in some bandages, though careful not to hurt him further.
Subspace stared intently at his work on his hands, taking note of how his touch and care felt gentle yet rough.

"Wow, thanks, 'Doc!" Subspace gave him a cheeky grin, quite grateful for him actually being there in the first place. "It's what I'm here for." Medkit groaned. "Now, shoo. Don't get hurt so soon again."

Hey Dhar Mann fam, i didn't mean to update this twice... Anyways, i rewrote some stuff here, but most of it is the same. I'll start working on chapter 2 now, but I'm not sure when I'll actually get it out. (Maybe tonight or maybe tomorrow.) Originally, this was supposed to be half the 1st chapter and i said I'd complete it later.. But author got a bit silly!!!

I'm also accepting small suggestions for future chapters.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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