Age of Ultron trailer

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The Camera pans over a city in Africa

Ultron: I'm gonna show you something beautiful

Cuts to black before switching over to a dust cloud from an explosion rising in the air and civilians running in the street. 

Cuts to a protest in Sokovia where we first see the Maximoff twins, protesting the Avengers

Ultron: Eveyone screaming

A metal hand rises covered in molten metal 

Civilians screaming in terror while running

Ultron: For mercy

Captain America was seen walking away from the camera on a bridge, Superman on his knees with a somber look on his face and tears in his eyes amongst destruction

Ultron: You want to protect the world

Hawkeye looked over his shoulder in concern, Thor walked into view, hammer in hand, back facing the camera

Ultron: But you don't want it to change

Cuts to black before cutting to the Avengers quinjet, the team looking defeated. Y/N trying to comfort Natasha, Bruce having a horrified look on his face before cutting to black

Ultron: You're all puppets

A desheveled looking STARK bot limps into the room, The Avengers look at the intruder with caution

Ultron: Tangled in... strings

The robot then picks up a destroyed drone and crushes it's head

Ultron: Strings...

The Marvel logo appears while "No Strings on Me" plays in the background

Iron Man looks out into the wilderness before cutting to an old Sokovian castle

Captain America kicks a door in then steps in with a worried expression

A group of Africa soliders then open fire on an unknown assilant as civilians take cover

Cuts to a HYDRA tank opening fire and knocking Superman down before he recovers and disables the tank

Bruce walks shirtless through the snow after tranforming from the Hulk

Natasha stands in an empty room with flashbacks of the Red Room going through her mind

A now fully built Ultron turns around to look at the Maximoff twins who were giving each other unsure looks before looking at Ultron

An Ultron bot then rises from the water before more follow

The Avengers were seen in an old structure, Thor, Superman and Cap standing in front looking out

Thor then drops Mjolnir

Coming Soon

Tony: It's the end

Tony looks at a damaged STARK drone before cutting to him in a barn

Tony: The end of the path I started us on

Nick Fury walked out from behind a wall before cutting to Natasha

Nat: Nothing lasts forever

Y/N puts a hand on her cheek and resting his forehead against hers before cutting to Wanda falling to her knees and letting out a scream of dispair

Tony in the Hulkbuster armor then landed infront of the Hulk as the rest of the armor was being assembled, Superman floating next to him

The Quinjet then flew close to a street before Natasha fell out of a hatch on the bottom on a motorcycle and zooming forward

Pietro runs into Ultron, knocking him back

Wanda walks through an old door before using her powers to rip apart an Ultron bot

A glimpse of Steve at a 1940's party before transitioning over to a shipyard

Ulysses Klaue looks to the side before cutting to Nat on the bike with Cap's shield

Superman flies towards something before coming to a stop and looking up at something

Thor yells while in a pool of some kind

Nat helps calm the Hulk down before cutting to ballerinas practicing

More HYDRA Agents contiuning firing as Hawkeye runs through the chaos

Thor then approaches Tony before lifting him up by his neck

Natasha steps back, frightened 

Hulk throws a car at Hulkbuster but Superman intercepts it to protect Tony

Cap runs through cars flying around before cutting to Pietro and Wanda in Sokovia trying to fight

Ultron: Now I'm free

Hulk then runs through a food market before colliding his first against the Hulkbusters before cutting to black

A dark area showing the body of Superman laying lifeless near Captain America's broken shield is seen

Ultron then walks towards the camera

Ulron: There are no strings on me

Age of Ultron

Coming Soon

A small trailer before I begin working on Age of Ultron, I based this trailed off the teaser trailer for Age of Ultron

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