Part 3: The Cold King

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Thunder rumbled as grey clouds swirled in the heavens, the wind picking up as a storm grew closer.

Your hurried footsteps echo around the corridors as you rush around the castle. Your current task: bracing the vulnerable plants before they're massacred by the strong winds.

The fabric of your long skirt blows against your legs, the smell of rain permeating the air. This storm had come out of nowhere, which was unfortunately rather normal in the capital city.

You quickly round a corner, a surprised gasp escaping your lips as you run right into someone - practically slamming into their chest. For a moment you feel yourself stumbling back, but hands firmly grasp your arms.

"Are you okay?" A familiar voice asks.

Looking up, your gaze connects with concerned hazel irsises. Your eyes widen, heart nearly stopping as you realize it's the king mere inches from your face.

"Y-yes. My sincerest apologies, your majesty." You respond as embarrassment paints your cheeks. Zayne immediately releases you from his grasp as you step back, his arms falling back to his sides.

He seems to give you a quick glance over, as of ensuring you were actually alright.

"I assume the storm is what has you in such a hurry?" The king asks with a hint of amusement evident in his tone.

"Yes." You admit, your grip tightening around the handle of your basket of equipment. "Some of the newer trees need some extra support to make sure the wind doesn't ruin them."

A small smile tugs at his lips. "I see. Would you like some help?"

"Help? Like... you'd help me?" You ask, confused.

"Well yes." He chuckles softly, his hand gently rubbing the nape of his neck. "If that wouldn't be a problem."

"I suppose it wouldn't be." You answer, a bit of  something blossoming in your chest.

"Lead the way." The king gestures, stepping aside. With an awkward nod, you step past him, continuing on your way with Zayne by your side.

Despite the odd circumstances, you did need help to secure the trees in the last courtyard before the storm was in full effect. You both make it to the courtyard, immediately getting to work. He watches as you go through the steps of adding more support to a young tree, explaining as you go.

After asking if he understood, he nods and moves to the next tree to try his hand at it. You begin on a different tree across the courtyard, the dark sky rumbling once more. After a few minutes and you stepping towards another small tree, you hear the king calling you over. You stride quickly across the grass, standing by his side.

"Like this?" He asks, gesturing towards his work.

You glance over the tree, ensuring the supports are in the correct places. "Yeah, that's it. Good job." You nod, smiling warmly. "Just a few more and we're done." You add before moving to return to your own work.

The wind continues to swirl around, rustling the flowers and branches with a growing ferocity. On your last tree, your hands move as quickly as they can. Droplets of water begin to splat against your skin, the king beside you as he helps.

"There!" You say as you finish, stepping back. He steps back too, turning to face you.

"Good work." He smiles, but the triumph doesn't last for long. Almost immediately, rain begins to pelt the both of you.

"Well... at least the trees will be fine." You laugh, a smile across your face as you watch the king get completely soaked.

"I suppose that's true." He laughs too, genuine and filled with amusement. It's the very sound you've wondered about, making your heart race and a warm fuzziness spread through your body.

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