Pit crew connections

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Roxanne pov

This kept happening. 'Oh sorry somethings come up, um the dude that runs the shops currently off,  my friends need help fixing something' the list goes on. Today was no different. "Sorry,my friends need help fixing something;ill try to be back as quick as possible. " mully said halfway out the door. "oh sweetie how about you invite these friends over?i want to meet them,you know." mum said from the kitchen. mully just nodded fumbled about with his bag and ran out the door. "hey mum im going to go on a little wander about the city.ill be back soon." i called out while putting my shoes on. I exited mullys house and began walking around the streets. The streets were all pretty boring until you got out of the housing estate, then when you did finally reach the edge of the endless rows of houses the city appeared. Skyscrapers, billboards, lights and sounds it looked like it had been pulled from some kind of futeristic video game. I walked into a small shop and began searching through the energy drinks for one that took my fancy. But my attention was caught by 2 guys and a familiar face walking through the door. "so remind me how it happened again?" he said. "Mully?" i asked catching his attention. "roxanne what are you doing here?" he asked turning to me. "i was just out adventuring the city and wanted an energy drink," i said. Then some short dirty blonde haired guy stepped into the conversation. "ooh whos this mully? Your girlfriend?" he said. My brother just turned and yelled "ew what no shes my younger sister." in the poor mans face. The third then stepped infront of the 2 arguing australians and in the wierdest fucking american accent ive ever heard said "hi im gaege and that dumbass is josh." i began to laugh when the guy known as josh yelled back at gaege but what made me stop laighing was gaeges reply. "well, atleast i didnt make a song about sleeping with Mullys mum." gaege retorted. "im sorry what now?" i asked them. My brother and josh stopped arguing. "just dont worry about it." they both said. "buy your drink and we will show you around." josh said. "uh no"- said my brother cutting in "no we will not shes a right snitch and has a shitty sense of humor" josh just turned to look at him. "atleast her humor isnt racist and hasbulla memes." i paid for my drink and left the shop. "so what do people do around here for fun since my brother hasnt told me shit." i asked them as we walked down the street. "i mean other than street racing." i added on. "well its just your usual stuff bowling,arcades that sort of thing." gaege said. "oh cool also mum wont shut up about you inviting these god damn friends over she keeps texting asking me to ask you." i said talking to mully. "ooh getting to meet the parents already take us out to dinner first." josh said. Mully just turned around and slapped him,lightly,. "Tell mum they're  coming and you 2 better not do anything stupid.And if mum asks anything about it,i run a car fixing company ok?" he said to the 2 of them. "do you not run a car-fixing company?" i asked. "i do,just dont worry about it." he replied. When we opened the door, me and mully were quickly shoved out of the way and poor josh and gaege were bombarded by questions. When my mum finally left to get the tea,josh asked"is your mum always like this?" and like the great little sister i am replied "just wait until she pulls out the baby photos." to which they looked visibly disgusted. A little later when we were sat eating the questions began again. "so what do you do for work?" my mum asked. "they work as pit crew for 2 of them racers i mentioned." mully butted in. "isn't that dangerous, i think those racers are just being reckless, you wouldn't  do anything like that would you,william." my mum said. My brother gave a wierd side eye to josh and gaege but was then interrupted by his phone again. 'hello....what do you mean its been tampered with? Well fix it. What? Ugh ill be there gimme like 10 minutes." mully said before hanging up. "we have got to go." mully said urgently. "why?" i replied curiously. "while they were repairing Juicys  and Dubdaddys car the engine exploded so they need me  down  there and since josh and geage are part of their pit crew they want them to see if anythings off now we have got to go." and just like that they were out of the door. Strange occurances like this kept happening for weeks until finally,

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