Chapter 8

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"No, wait, let him go through with it. I have a plan, and Pakin and Chai can help us." That's what Rain's father had said, and Rain knows the plan is a good one.

He had honestly been both surprised and pleased when his father had come up with it. His father who always had acted like the citizens of the kingdom were below notice. Now Rain wonders if he has judged his father too harshly. Not only has he involved the citizens in his plan, their very survival and the future of the kingdom depends on them.

Rain is standing between Phayu and the king as they enter the marketplace. Sky and Pai are behind them so they can watch for any threats. They aren't in disguise today, Chai had even smuggled out some of their finest regalia, not just clothes and jewelry but the king is wearing his heavy spire-like headpiece known as a makuta and Rain is wearing his favorite phra kiao, also known as the little crown.

Phayu is wearing borrowed clothes of a rich fabric. He looks like the consort of the crown prince, which he is.

Just as people begin to turn and stare at the three, a voice cries out, "Your Majesty." Sig and Por come and kneel before the king.

"Rise and follow us my subjects." The king says. A murmur goes through the marketplace at this.

Just then there is a small scream and Ple's voice cries out, "Crown prince Rain, he is alive." She and Som kneel as well then join Sig and Por. The murmuring grows louder. People abandon their shopping and start following the group as well. The king and Rain welcome them.

Store owners lock up their stores and cart owners abandon their wares. No one seems certain what is going on, but they don't want to miss out.

Soon there are hundreds of citizens following behind the three.

They lead the group right up to the palace gates.

"Open up in the name of the king," Rain's father says in a booming voice.

The young guards look at Chai nervously. "What should we do?" One asks.

"Your king just gave you a direct order," Chai says sternly, "What do you think you do?"

The young guards blushes and says, "Right away, sir." He almost trips over his own feet moving to open the gates.

Many of the common citizens pause outside the main hall, not sure if they are meant to enter but Rain smiles back at them and says, "Welcome, please join us inside."

He speaks kindly but to the citizens it is like an order from their beloved crown prince. Everyone continues inside until the main hall is packed.

As they enter, Rain's uncle looks up. He pales when he sees Rain and the king. The officiate who was about to perform the coronation ceremony looks in shock at the two of them.

"Your highness," the man stammers, "I thought, I was told..."

"That I had died?" The king finishes.

The man nods, "And that the body had been cremated by your wishes."

"Was it also my wish to bypass my children in the line of succession and name my brother king?" Rain's father asks.

Again the man nods, "I have the paperwork that I was told was signed by your hand and witnessed by two of the council members."

Apparently, I should add forgery to my brother's talents. I will deal with the so-called witnesses myself." The king says. Two men behind Rain's uncle looked around quickly, seemingly to try to find an escape route.

The king turns to his brother, "You tried to have my son, your own nephew, assassinated and commit regicide and treason." He says this loudly, so all the citizens hear.

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