What is happening!

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Zach calls Riley
Riley: hey baby what's up
Zach: baby I learned of some death threats that are directed to you from some gang. They're a powerful gang. I am on my way over but I need to get you out of our house. ASAP who knows when the gang will show up and try to kill you. See you in 2 minutes.
Zach hangs up
Riley: death threats directed to me. wtf this is insane.
Zach bursts in
Zach: baby I need you to come up now to our room. We are gonna need to get as much as we can in the trunk of my truck. I will have the cover on and we need to get the hell out of California.
Riley: I'm scared babe. I have never had death threats before. Being a tiktok influencer is awesome and all but death threats is a whole different story.
Zach:  I know I don't know why the gang has it out for you but I need to get you out of California.  ASAP to protect you. I told your brother about this and he said we'd be safe in Florida with him. He's a cop so yeah definitely safe. Oh and he said we can use the guest house he's very worried for you. And doesn't get why some dangerous gang would have it out for you.
Riley's phone beeps
Riley: oh shit. My friend told her brother I told her I always thought he was weird and mean. He's the lead member of the gang you're referring too.
Zach: Riley what in your mind made you think you could tell her knowing she'd probably relay it to her brother and then his gang would be out for you.
Riley: it was a conversation about the past. I was just stating my opinion.
Zach: well your opinion got you death threats Riley. You caused this mess. And thanks to you we gotta flee to protect you.
Riley: I'm sorry but I'm very mad at Lauren.  She has lost major trust from me!
Riley texts Lauren
Lauren text back to Riley
Lauren: cause he's my twin brother and anyone who bashes my twin brother is gonna get what they deserve!
Riley text to Lauren
Riley: thanks to you I had death threats from your brothers gang and I'm having to flee California now! So thanks a lot!
Lauren: do I care NO I DONT ILL ALWAYS STICK UP FOR MY BROTHER! So sucks for you!
Riley grunts: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh she won't even listen to me! She has her twin brothers back over me her BFFs back! Not cool!
Zach: yeah more packing less phone time.
Riley: what about our puppy we just picked up yesterday.
Zach: she's gonna have to deal with a long car ride. Due to my own girlfriend's opinionated mind speaking out more than it should. This totally throws off my plans I had for us tonight! And we're taking the camper also
Riley: Zach it's too much a hassle to bring the camper
Zach: well maybe I wanna sleep at camp ground tonight we will stop in Texas at a camp ground.
Riley: alright fine. I'm sorry I got us into this mess Lauren can be a piece of work at times.
Zach: yeah I know. Why you still BFFS with her If she's a piece of work.
Riley: she's not like it all the time and I am loyal to my BFF we had a pact in kindergarten to always be BFFs no matter what. I'm not just gonna Willynilly break the pact.  Heck no. But I do think I am going to now for sure. Screw her. I don't need her! I can just text her brother on Facebook messenger and explain the whole situation and we'd be all good and clear
Riley calls Matt
Matt: well well well if it isn't Riley!
Riley: Matt I need you to hear me out about why I said what I said. It's because remember when we were all seniors in high school. And how you and your friends punched my twin brother Nick. Well he's been traumatized ever since then. And I was just sharing an update on how he's doing with your twin sister Lauren. She took it the wrong way. So please just let it go. I think you should be after your sister for fibbing a story I told her about.
Matt: oh hell no. Lauren is in huge trouble with me! I won't let her get away with lying to me. Thanks for telling me the whole story. I now know it's not you that is the issue it's my own twin sister Lauren who's become a huge I am better than everyone and no one else matters except me basically a selfish girl. Yes you're in the clear Riley. My gang  and I are not gonna come for you anymore. We're gonna go after Lauren now. Thanks again for telling me all this. Lauren is so dead to me!
Riley and Matt hang up
Zach: so?
Riley: I'm in the clear Lauren fibbed what I told her into a lie and told her brother that. So basically lied to him and he's going after her now. So all good for me!
Zach: wow that was so quick.
Riley: yeah Matt's a nice guy deep down but can get feisty when needed. Kinda like me it takes a lot to get me mad he's like that too. He and his friends beat my twin brother up in high school senior year. They had every right to my brother stole his girlfriend from him. So I don't blame him at all. He was just mad at my brother who's a huge jerk still after all these years and is Gay! Whatever it is what it is!
2 minutes later
Zach: I love you Riley. I'll always be looking out for my girlfriend. Cause you mean so much to me. You're my everything Riley.
Zach gets down on one knee
Zach: Riley Rowen Morrison these last 7 years have been the best of my life. I love you more and more each day. Thank you for being you. So will you marry me Riley?
Riley sheds tears of joy.
Riley: yes I will Zach!
Zach stands up then Riley and Zach kiss
Zach slides the ring on Riley's finger.

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