Yesterday I bought Serena Valentino's Books about Lady Tremaine and Captain Hook
And finished Lady Tremaine's Story...
I thought Nightmares will come in my dreams, like how it could happen after I finished Final Story of Fazbear Frights №3...
Here's what I found out
1. Lady Tremaine and her daughters lived in London, Wendy and her brothers from Peter Pan's Story also lived there
2. Characters, that were mentioned - Maleficent (which is strange, knowing she was killed during the fight with Prince Phillip, but in this Story she attacked Fairies short after the Witches attack), Captain Hook (references on him were from the Owner of one of the stores and his son, who tried to describe him), Cruella (she was mentioned only in the Story's start), Hades (he was mentioned by Rebecca/Circe (she's a Witch, too, and she's Hercules's enemy, even if her main task is to find Boyfriend, from what I learned), were also mentioned The Evil Queen (Snow White), Rapunzel (the tower, where she was for many years) and Beauty and the Beast (Belle and her husband)
3. Fun Fact - Belle and Snow White are Queens, I have a feeling Aurora (The Sleeping Beauty) and Rapunzel in this Book are Queens too. Weren't mentioned only Ariel, but I believe she's a Queen too. And Cinderella, meaning, is youngest of the Princesses, since she in this Book was still a child
4. Cinderella 2 and 3 don't exist thanks to this Book. 2nd Movie is Non-Canon and 3rd Movie showed us Anastasia's sister, Drizella, chose mother's side, even offered her to turn Cinderella and Anastasia into frogs
5. The Witches, even if are shown as pure Evil, really wanted to help Lady Tremaine, but fully everything was ruined thanks to Cinderella's Fairy Godmother, who only by the End of the Story understood she was wrong by trapping Girls with their mother in that castle, former home of Cinderella
6. Sir Richard (Cinderella's father) in reality was a horrible man, everything Lady Tremaine had... He didn't care about her title, how many money she had and etc. All her money became his, Cinderella turned out to be not perfect herself. True, she eventually forgave her sisters and all, even asked her Fairy Godmother to help, but still...
7. King's name (who is the ruler of the Kingdom, where Cinderella lives) is Hubert
8. In Many Kingdoms, where Lady Tremaine and her daughters ended up, not only people like Sir Richard are bad and evil, but also the Story about "Future Villains" was also prepared, not to mention Lady Tremaine became insane by the end of the Story, Cinderella's Fairy Godmother turned her into Statue. Bonus - Women here are used, like Lady Tremaine, while Sir Richard was alive, as servants
9. Lucifer, very much possible, didn't survived that fall from the tower's top, when Bruno attacked him (how was told - 2nd and 3rd Movies don't exist here)
10. Lady Tremaine, closer to the end of the Story, tried to KILL her own daughters! In Author's opinion even William will be an Angel comparing to her (what he did still doesn't let him get away from what he did and he needed to expect he'll end up in Hell eventually)
After reading Lady Tremaine's Story by Serena Valentino...
RandomLots of shocking/interesting things were found out... Not to mention some Characters, who didn't appear even for some seconds/minutes were mentioned... Let's talk about this all right now... All rights belong to Disney and Serena Valentino