2// Hi my name is

18 0 4



My alarm goes off when the clock turns 6 a.m. "Ughhhh" I let out a groan and put my pink pillow over my head then extend my arm out to hit the snooze button on my phone that was charging on my bedside table.

"Elena get up you're going to be late for school!" My mother yells.

"10 more minutes" I cry.

Finally I pull myself out of bed and make my way to my bathroom. I do my normal routine; take a shower, cleanse my face, put a little bit of makeup on, brush my teeth, do my hair, and get out the door to pick of my clothes.

Usually people go out and buy a new outfit for the first day of school, but this year I don't have to since I am at a new school.

I rummage through my clothes trying to find something decent to wear. "I have no clothes." I close my closet door and open my dresser and pick out these high wasted ripped jean shorts, a white tank top and a red flannel tied around my waste. I then get my dirty white(not so white anymore) converse and run down stairs.

"Shit it's 6:50" I have to be in school by 7:10 and it takes 20 minutes to get to school.

"Honey you didn't eat breakfast" my mom states as I am rushing to get my keys and backpack. "It's okay I will grab a granola bar" those are basically what I eat every school morning when I'm in a rush.

"Bye mom love you" I say as I rush out the door. She doesn't answer since she is in the other room but I know she would have said it if she heard me.

I swing the door open of my black Jeep and throw my bag in the back sit then jump in.

This is going to be a long day.


"Good morning everyone and welcome back from summer vacation" as the principle continues to speak on the announcement, the girls gossip about who hooked up with who and the boys are talking about who they hooked up with. Then there was me sitting alone in the back of the class room.

Lunch time came around and of course I sat alone. I waited to get my lunch as everyone passed by. the lunch lady announced "next" so I walked up to get my food and then bang next thing I know the disgusting lunch food was all over my white tank top.

"I am so sorry" I hear a males voice say.

And as I look up I see a tall teenage boy towering over my 5"5 body.

"Fuck, it's okay" I say while looking into his beautiful brown eyes.

For at least a minute it was silent and we just stared at each other then he broke the silence.

"Hi my name is Shawn, Shawn Mendes."


hey guys! sorry if this chapter wasn't that interesting but hopefully the next one is!! love u all xoxo Tori

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