Chapter 14 - Relationships

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A good morning to be alive, that's what Merlin thought as she laid back against a tree under the shade. It was a nice day to be out and not couped up in some lab working on some experiments. It's not like she was in some desperate deadline to reach to cure a rare disease. Merlin inhaled the fresh air surrounding her before exhaling as she looked at her surroundings.

On one side, she can see Veronica's summon, Artoria, training team Hendrickson in the ways of the sword. The boys can be seen taking turns sparring with each other with Gil being the top dog as always. She looked up to see Margaret, Diane and Elaine enjoying some tea and each other's company on the balcony of the common room. Finally, there was her boyfriend Naruto, the grandson of Meliodas and Elizabeth.

Zeal managed to unlock his chakra and now started working on some exercises like holding a kunai with the tip of his fingers and balancing a leaf on head, "You're doing good Zeal, we'll get those reserves up in not time at all." Naruto said encouraging the boy.

Zeal nodded happily keeping up the exercises for a few minutes longer, "How long do I have to do this Mr. Naruto?" he asked.

"Just one more, I'm going to grab some chakra paper for your affinity." Naruto said reaching for some paper as Zeal put the leaf and kunai down.

The boy ran up to Naruto who handed him the paper, "So how does this work again Mr. Naruto?" he asked.

"Zeal you really need to stop with formality, I'm only six years older than you. Second, you just need to pour some chakra onto the paper. Do you remember how to do that?" Zeal nodded.

The boy took a deep breath before gathering chakra into his hand and pouring it into the paper. Naruto looked surprised as the paper split into four pieces, one side became wet, one side burned, one other side became dirt. Zeal was confused and kind of looked scared thinking he did something wrong and was going to in trouble with it.

"Mr. Naruto, I think I messed up." Zeal said fearfully.

Naruto chuckled, "No you didn't Zeal, you just happen to have four elements. You're already stronger than your big sister." he said getting the boy's hopes up.

Guila for her part, heard the exchange, "Huh?" she asked before accidentally being hit in the abdomen making her fall onto her knees clutching it.

"Don't lose focus Guila!" Artoria said with a glare before helping her up.

Naruto and Zeal noticed Guila getting distracted and laughed, "Anyways, Zeal I think you might have the most affinities after me. I might be able to teach you some of the sub affinities and possibly the mokuton if you're lucky." Naruto explained.

"Can you show me an example?" he asked.

Naruto nodded as he stuck his hand out and summoned tree roots from the ground and formed them into the shape of Zeal, "One of the many things I can teach you. Although, I should start with your base affinities and speed it up with shadow clones later." he explained.

Zeal jumped for joy and Naruto could hear the chuckles coming Merlin, "Ok what are we going to do first?" he asked.

Naruto pulled out a book and started going over some kind of training schedule, Merlin smiled at how kind hearted Naruto was for helping another boy reach his dreams. As she looked, her eyes suddenly felt heavy and forced themselves to close and block her vision. Naruto smiled and quickly sent a chakra enhanced clone to sit next to her, Merlin unintentionally hugged the clone who placed a hand over her.

Suddenly the two were visited by two figures appearing in smoke, "Oh it's you two. Did you come for business or are you here for relationship advice?" Naruto asked making the pair blush revealing Celine and Michel.

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