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He was ten when he first got his powers.

He was ten when he first encountered species from outer space.

He was ten when he snucked into a weird huge machine, unknowingly an alien spaceship, and also met a sphere sentient robot.

He was ten when he first gave the watch.

He was ten when he first battled.

He was eleven when he was forced to fight his own friend.

He was eleven when his best friend was taken away from him.

He was eleven when he nearly got sucked into a black hole.

He was eleven when he first met them.

He was eleven when he first split to seven.


There was no sound. No shouting, no blasting and nothing.

It was quiet. Too quiet.

As if the world had shut off from him.

With a wrinkled countenance, one eye carefully peeked open. He expected some light or anything that burnt his eyes off, but instead, he was greeted with the complete opposite.

The void was dark and had no floor, wall, or even ceiling. Everything was surrounded in pitch black. It was wide yet suffocating at the same time.

For a moment, he forgot who he was.

Squinted his eyes, and he looked around warily. For some reason, he felt tired and weary. Like, he had been doing long-distance marathons without stopping for two days straight. It was weird and oddly specific, but he had nothing against it.

He closed his eyes and opened it again.

Huh. He was still there.

But then, he was not alone.

"My my my. So this is our newest lil wielder?"

Suddenly, before him stood a humongous figure who appeared human and not-human at the same time. In this space-like place, the figure's arms were folded, and its fingers that intertwined with each other rested underneath its chin. It appeared feminine, but he somehow knew it anywhere near having genders. Its whole body, from head to toe, was white silhouette with shadowing of blue. But he could make out the lines that difference its hair, countenance, and body. There were also some sort of thin wings like following its back. The reason he described it as following was because it did not attach to any part of its body but followed after it nonetheless. It flows around like four pieces of clothing.

"Huh~," the huge figure sighed. Compared to it, he was like a hand size figurine, "What an adorable user we got here! He's not as elegant as my previous one, but that didn't make him any less better," a thin line stretched upon its face that appeared to be a knowing smirk. It turned its head to the side, where another huge figure stood by. "Don't ya think so~?"

The second figure, who, equally as large as the first one, had its arms crossed across its chest. It was also covered in shining white. Only the blue was replaced with red and it was more masculine. There was a pair of red ribbon electricity above its head, like an antenna but cooler.

"It's not important if he's cute or not. It's whether he got the means to hold the powers."

"I mean, he's gotten this far. And by all means, this is anything but the end for him," another voice pique in.

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