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Bucky jolted awake on the roof the notebook laying near his head.

He was sweating like crazy and his eyes felt sore from crying so much prior above all his head was throbbing with pain.

He kept replaying the scene of Yn in his head again and again and again.
Why did it feel so real then if it was just a dream ?...

Yn woke up her breathing ragged.
She didn't dare open her eyes because her whole body stung.
Zemo had given Yn to Hydra for a signed contract that he would get the little girl with the Avengers.
Little did Hydra know that if Zemo got Tia he would take Bucky and Yn from them.
If he ever gets so far.

Yn was hanging from chains her body was littered in bruises and cuts.
She just had a crop top and some shorts on.
Pierce came in the room and Yn let her head hang again to pretend she was still out.

She was blindfolded but she heard another voice in the room too.
"Keep a watch on her widow she is not allowed to escape." He says and Yn's heart contracts painfully when she heard that voice even if they only said one word.


Lena, Yn remembered how Yelena had stabbed her on that mission.
But Yn knew better, to know she was most probably being mind controlled like Yn once was.

"Lena ?" Yn said softly and Yelena ripped the blindfold off.
"I dont know anyone by that name now keep quiet." Yelena said sternly her eyes cold and empty.

Yn didn't know what to do so she began to sing. A song she had heard Nat sing so many times when they were kids.

"Fate has been cruel and order unkind
How can I have sent you away ?
The blame was my own the punishment your.
The harmony's silent today.

But into the stillness I'll bring you a song
And I will your company keep.
Till your tired eyes and my lullabies have carried you softly to sleep.

Once did a girl who shone like the sun look at her family and sigh.
She smiled and said surely there is no girl as lovely and well beloved as I.

But so great her love and so brilliant her glory that long was the shadows she cast.
Which fell dark upon the young sisters she loved and grew only darker as days and nights passed.

Lullay moon princess good night sister mine
Rest now in moonlights embrace
Bear up my lullabies, winds of the earth.
Through clouds, and through sky and through space.

Carry the peace and the coolness of night and carry my sorrow in kind.
Lena your loved so much more than you know forgive me for being so blind."

Yn had tears running down her face while she sang she could only get halfway as the tears got too much and when she looked again she saw Yelena crying too.

"Ava ?" Yelena said as she grabbed Yn and hugged her choking on her sobs.
"Shhhh Im here Lena Im here." Yn said she wish she could hug Yelena back but she was still hanging from chains.
"I need to get you down" Yelena said and Yn shook her head.
"No we need to pretend for now, they still think your under their mind controll I promise I'll tell you everything but for now we need to make a plan." Yn said.

Bucky walked into the kitchen and greeted Steve and Natasha with a nod.
They both looked at him in sympathy as they saw how tired he looked and how swelled his eyes were from crying.
None of them have ever seen Bucky cry not even Steve.

Tony rushed into the kitchen looking only slightly better than Bucky.
"I think I found something." He said and Bucky's attention immediately snapped to Tony.
They all followed him to his office and looked to the computers.
"Okay so I tried to get a look on that vehicle from satellite photos and signals and I found it going here but after about six to sevenish hours a new vehicle popped up at this place and drove away after about 30 minutes." Tony says and they make a plan on how to go about this.

After about an hour they are geared and Peter offered to look after Tia.
He saw how bad Bucky looked and he felt bad.
He missed Yn too but he saw it hit Bucky the most.

Off in the Quinjet the Avengers were on their way to Sokovia.
Wanda had said that if she could get close enough to touch Yn she could get into her mind and try to break what ever mind controlled her.

But when they arrived to the building it was abandoned and there they found a guy sitting peacefully sipping coffee on a chair on the roof.
"Your too late Avengers." He says and stands up to look at them.
"What ?" Bucky chokes out.
"Ahh James Buchanan Barnes the famed Winter Soldier." Zemo says and Bucky stares at him ready to go and choke him but Steve steps a bit infront of Bucky as if to tell him to wait.

"Yn Ln has been sent back to Hydra, what they do to her I do not know but I do know it wont be pretty." He says and Bucky launched for Zemo but Steve and Sam pulled him back.

"No" Bucky breathed.

"Dont start !" Bucky yelled as he struggled agaisnt Steve and Sam and now Tony too.








"Freight car"

"Soldier ?" Zemo asked as Bucky stopped struggling.

"Ready to comply" Bucky said to Zemo.

"Attack" Zemo said.

The whole interaction between them were in Russian and Natasha understood it but the rest didn't.
But they fully well knew what was going on.
Bucky ripped away from them as he started attacking them.

Steve stood the best chance against Bucky but still he struggled.

Bucky was ruthless.

"Dont kill them" he said as Bucky stopped.
The Avengers layed on the ground passed out or too hirt to get up.

"I hope you are okay Yn" Nat whispered before she passed out.

Zemo took Bucky with him and they were gone.
It would still be a long while before any of the Avengers would wake up.

Yn felt suddenly like something is scratching the back of her mind.
But she let it go when she couldn't quite place the feeling.

Yelena stood and kept watch like Pierce had wanted pretending to look empty and flat.
He entered and he looked to them.
Yelena stood there looking cold and empty and Yn looked mad and raging.
Her eyes were red from crying and that gave Pierce satisfaction.

"Bring her" he said to Yelena and she nodded without hesitation but in reality she was scared of what he would do to her sister.

She undid the chains and she cuffed Yn with bigger chains as she dragged her after Pierce.
Soon enough she was strapped to a metal table and there were all kinds of people in the room.
All had white suits on and masks as they prepared some type of syringes.

Yelena stood gaurd outside by the door.
Pierce had told her not to let anyone in or out.
Yn was struggling against the restraints but it was to no avail.
She screamed at them cussing them with every bad word she knew.

The first injection went and Yn started feeling her eyes droop.
Her body felt numb.
She could barely keep her eyes open.
Next syringe and her body slowly and gradually started heating up.
When it got to much she screamed her lungs out.
It felt as if she was walking through fire.

The next syringe and it felt like she was suffocating her muscles pulled tight and let loose again.

She hated the feeling.
Next syringe and she started feeling like she's high as the room started spinning and the colours and shapes blurred and mixed together.

Last syringe and Yn saw the shadows in the room intensify.
She grew paranoid with each lurking shawdow.

And after 5 minutes of paranoia the rest of the effects kicked back in as her body heated up and she suffocated.

She screamed again, this time with all she had and it wrippwd through the long empty echoing hallways as Yelena stood there scared.
Then suddenly Yn didn't scream anymore...

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