Mash's home

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"Excuse us" Dot said as we all entered Mash's house. It was the vacation and the whole group decided to visit Mash's humble home.

"It,,can'''re not mash's...ah FRIENDS???!" His father asked,elated.

'why does he look so old?was mash adopted or something?or was it pedoph-God what the fuck am I thinking-'

"I can't believe that my boy finally has friends!I was unable to expose him to the outter world" Hi father said

"We're more complicated than friends" Dot confidently spoke.


"We're rivals" He continued.

"MY SON HAS A RIVAL" Mash's father happily sobbed

"Nice to meet you father in law.I entrust myself to your care.I'm mash's future wife" Lemon spoke,earning a big side eye from me.

"We haven't held hands yet so we remain pure" She continued.

'why do i feel so icky all of a second?'

"He has a fiancée too???" His father asked,shocked.

"Anyways, nice to meet you, I am Y/N Kylk" I said as I slightly bowed my head to greet Mash's father.

"A KYLK?!!!!" He spoked, very suprised as the Kylk's family members were known for their restricted mingling with only the elites and being super arrogant.

"yeah.." I awkwardly chuckled.

"creampuff girl" Mash spoke to his father, pointing at me.

"I HAVE A NAME" I spoke to mash.

"Anyways, I brought you this" I cleared my throat as I spoke and handed him some sweets I bought.

"No creampuffs?" Mash frowned while looking at the expensive box of sweets.

"I bought you some herbal tea" Dot spoke.

"I brought you merch" Lance spoke,handing some pictures of a young girl

"Of who??" Mash's father asked.

"Of my sister" Lance answered.

"He hasn't learned that everyone's got different priorities" Mash spoke

"I s-see" His father replied


At the end, we all settled on playing a board game.

"ah a 67?lets see..tricked by a charm spell,lose 5 million londs? WHAT THE HELL IS THIS CRAP?!" Dot yelled.

"I am next! " Lemon said as she rolled the round dice.

"go directly to holding cell for putting restraints on a love interest. Skip 320 turns?" She read out loud,worried.

"It's not as if the board can predict our future so stop wori-" Lance nonchantly spoke,rolling his dice

"your little sister brings home a boyfriend,return to start?" He spoke as he flung against the wall in saddness.

"Quit overreacting it's just a game" I spoke as I rolled the dice.

"Failed to recognise that your love interest liked you and sunk deeper into misery. Became too depressed and went crazy with power, killed your whole family and ended the whole world. Game over" I spoke as I read out loud

"What the fuck" I blurted out as the others looked at me weirdly.

'I mean I understand about the family part but failing to recognise?what's that about? I'm not that dumb'

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