4 - Tears And Drugs

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Sighing in boredom, Wooyoung regarded his best friend pace around the room. His fingers lazily played with the spoon he had used to eat the long gone vanilla ice cream with whipped cream and strawberries, observing the mechanic making him antsy. Yeosang had not said a word since he stormed into the doctor's room and began chewing the skin of his fingertips as he carved a circle into the ground with his never ending steps.

He watched the upset man stop, run his hand through his long blond hair and seemingly calculate something in his mind before cursing and returning to his hurried circling. This had been going on for almost half an hour now. Upon being questioned about his intentions, the mechanic had simply glared at Wooyoung and waved the inquiry off like a nasty fly; the doctor would continue his work, were his best friend's foot steps not so incredibly distracting.

In a sudden outburst of rage, the other cursed heavily and loudly, making Wooyoung more than glad that every single room had been sound-proofed to almost one hundred percent. Yeosang stopped just beside him, startling him when he tightly gripped his shoulders.

"It was too fucking high!" he cursed, shaking his best friend's shoulders, "Way too fucking high! How will I ever-" He groaned. "It could have exploded, it could have torn itself to shreds for all I know! This is going to be so fucking hard to repair, fuck me!"

A wide grin spread over the doctor's face. "I'm trying," he replied, lunging at the chance to annoy the other like a fox hunting a mouse. Just as he had predicted, Yeosang stopped shaking his shoulders, a look of utter disappointment on his face.

"I want to fuck you as much as I want to jump into that fucking hydrogen out there and you fucking know that," he scoffed, disgust mixing into his expression as he gagged, "Actually I would much rather drown than do any of the sort with you."

Wooyoung faked chagrin. "A man can hope," he said sadly, watching his best friend retract his hands from his shoulders as if they had burned him and take a large step back.

"You disgust me," the mechanic spat, "I don't know why I even bother spending time with you." He wiped his hands on his red corduroy overalls, then produced a metal cube made out of eight smaller cubes that had been connected from one of his pockets and returned to walking in circles. Absentmindedly playing with the cube, he murmured what appeared to be calculations to himself, every now and then cursing himself when he found that what he had figured out did not work.

"Yeosang, maybe take a break?" the doctor asked, genuinely concerned, "You've been doing this for over an hour now, maybe it's time to-"

"41 minutes," the other interrupted him, "I have nineteen minutes left to figure out what went wrong, so can you please stop talking?"

Wooyoung shut his mouth. At some point in the past decade, his best friend had developed a sense of time more accurate than some watches. No, not at some point, right after they had left one of the unexplainable planets, the man had suddenly been able to guess the time correctly down to a nanosecond. He had never done it again after the first five times, but the doctor did not doubt a second that he still could. How had he forgotten that?

Yeosang was a strange person. Wooyoung never really noticed it, but now that he thought about it, some of the things the man did just could not be explained as something that just happened. Aside from his almost creepy time accuracy, he seemed to be able to talk machines into working. Whenever he caught him working on something, he was muttering things to himself as his hands put things together, took them apart again and set them into place seemingly the exact same way as before. Of course, maybe he was just a really good mechanic, but a normal person had limits on what they could fix and what they could not, right?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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